chapter eight

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Anna, decided they had worked enough for one day and they needed lunch , "hey let's  go and have lunch" she said to Rakish, with a smile while stretching her stiff body.

"Sure but we'll have to get Bella, or she'll kill me for not inviting her out". "Okay" Anna, nodded happily.

The two went to fetch Bella, who was exhausted yet seemed satisfied, "oh Misha, my boo" Bella, said smiling brightly after seeing Rakish.

"Hey to you too were going to lunch are you going or staying?", "definitely going" . "Bella, this is Anna and Anna this is Bella,  now let's go".

Both girls just grinned not affected by his attitude, they ate a restaurant then there was giggling, it  caught Rakish's ear since he knew it so well .

Merissa sat there talking to someone ,when Rakish, saw who it was his heart clenched. 

He did not understand why he was In pain , it was not like he really knew the man , they have only met twice before but still he could not get over how hurt he felt.

He took his eyes from the duo and continued eating. The two seemed to sense the change in his mood so they asked what's wrong.

He replied with a simple nothing which got both girls worried. They really did care for Rakish, as a friend.

After lunch the girls decided on going shopping which Rakish, was not happy about he decided to take a walk instead.

As he walked lost in thought he bumped into someone. "Watch where your going" he said angrily, "your attitude never disappoints cup cake", at those words he looked up and there stood the man.

"Oh it's you" Rakish, said bitterly he did not even know why he was angry . "Are you mad at me?","no" he replied and began to walk away.

He did not get far though before strong arms held onto him from behind. "I'm sorry for whatever I did" the man apologized.

"You don't need to apologize" Rakish, sighed realizing how odd he was acting.

Why was this guy all he could think about? "Aron!!" a voice called from somewhere , hearing the voice Rakish, tensed in the man's arms .

He really did not like Merissa, and hearing her voice irritated him to no end.

The man took his hand and began to run Rakish, was  confused but followed him anyway it was not like he had a choice the man held his hand tightly.

"Did we loose her?" the man asked , "I think so" Rakish replied, "damn that girl is a pain and also not very smart".

Rakish, could not hold it in he just burst out laughing, "man you are something else I thought I was the only one who noticed".

"You know Merissa?"  the man asked , "of cause I know her" , "but I've never seen you before how do you know Merissa?".

"I entered the miss NY beauty pageant, so far its going horrible though, I hate it to no end".

"Figures you don't seem like the type to care about beauty if your fashion sense is anything to go by" .

"I think my fashion sense is just fine , I just don't like to be fleshy". "Want to get a drink together?" The man asked , "sure why not".

"You know we've been talking but still I don't know your name"  Rakish said, "I'm Aron Main, you?" ,"Rakish but I prefer to be called Misha, so please do call me that".

"Why? I think Rakish, is a wonderful name just like its owner".

Rakish, blushed at the compliment but stood by his resolve he insisted  Aron, call him Misha.

They talked for a while , "so can I see you again?" asked Aron, "yeah give me your contacts" said Rakish .

After that they went their separate ways , Rakish's heart was thumbing hard against his chest and he could not hold in that happy glow that showed on his face.

He could not believe he was feeling like this for a man, it was strange , so new, yet very exciting.

being my twin sister*(BOOK 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें