chapter fifteen

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"You can't be serious Chris!!!" Lisa, screeched unhappily . "I'm serious Lisa, you know he won't change his mind so why bother arguing with him".

Chris, said as he sipped his coffee completely falling in love with how it tasted , was coffee always this good? he wondered to himself .

Certainly his son's  choice of wife had its advantages though the said wife was a man, he did look like a woman which made it quite acceptable.

"I will not stand here and let my son marry a fag" Chris, shook his head he was disappointed at his wife. Lisa, was everything but he had never took her for a homophobic.

"Are you really not going to accept us mother?" Aron, asked looking really unhappy at the mere thought of his mother being homophobic.

"No I will not, whether you like it or not you will marry Merissa".

"No mother I will not" Rakish, was quiet but it actually hurt him that his love's mother would not accept them, no, him, she could not accept he was a man.

This made him think of his mother and what he went through after he got married to his father.

His mother always told him stories about his life , they were all stories to teach him lessons of how hard the world can be.

He could barely hold In his temper he got from his father, his mother had gone through so much was he the world's next victim? he questioned.

"I need to go" he spoke, he had finally lost his patience, he could not stay and listen to the woman belittle him like he was a worthless person .

"Where are you going?" questioned Aron ,"back to the pageant building. Anna, and I have to finish the designs she's been working on soon" .

"Oh when is the pageant?", "soon after this week since it's our final practice".

Aron, sighed he did not want to let Rakish, go , he felt somewhat at home with the beautiful man.

"Are you going to come back today?" he asked his voice holding some hope in it .

He wanted to say yes but could feel Lisa's glare burning holes into him, he could swear the woman was trying to send him into the underworld.

"Meet me at our restaurant tonight at seven this time don't be late" Rakish, whispered into Aron's ear so only he could hear .

Aron, instantly brightened , "bye love" Rakish, said with a small kiss on Aron's cheek. He left with a smile on his face though he was a little troubled.

"What did the faggot say?" Lisa, asked her voice full of hate. She could not allow her only son to marry a man not when she and her friend Saburu, made a deal.

They have been best friends since  Saburu, moved to NY and got married to Martin .

Saburu , also knew her secret a secret she never wanted Chris, to hear about because if it came out then it would spell the end of their marriage .

She could not let Chris, know the truth about her, no he could not find out. After Rakish, left Lisa, took her phone out and went out to call Saburu .

"We have a problem" she said her voice sounding a bit angry. "What is it Lisa?" Saburu , asked as she drank the wine from the glass she held in her hand.

She twirled her hair slowly the brown shining from all the gel she used, her light brown eyes holding no emotion at all, they almost seemed lifeless.

"Aron, is insisting on marrying someone else and not Merissa" , "my that is troublesome" . Her voice was as cold as her eyes, "who could have captured his heart ?" she asked placing the glass on the small glass table near the chair she was sitting on.

"A boy named Rakish Rhizada " at that her eyes suddenly had a spark in them , her lips curled into an evil smile .

"Is that so?", "Yes" replied Lisa without hesitation.

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