chapter twenty two

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"The young woman in your arms who is she?" Marry, asked trying to drown the depressing atmosphere around them.

"His name is Rakish as I've said" , "that is a boy?" ," Yes I hope you don't have a problem with that or me and you will have a problem"  .

His whole demeanor changed , even Marry, could see it , how Aron, pulled Rakish, closer to himself and glared at Marry.

Marry, chuckled she was glad her son did not take after that evil woman.

"Oh dear boy I don't care who you love , besides that boy is all kinds of cute". "I know right mother", Aron, became all happy again.

"Yes son your lover is adorable".  They kept talking for a little while getting to know each other, then Marry, showed Aron, to the guest room so poor Rakish, could finally be put down.

Aron, cuddled Rakish, all night all til the morning , Rakish, woke first . At first he was frightened not knowing where he was then he saw Aron, sleeping peacefully next to him .

He smiled and got out of bed, he wanted to know where he was so he got out of the room and walked around then he hared some noise like dishes clinking .

He followed the sound and got to the kitchen, there stood a blue eyed brunet who was busy making breakfast.

"Good morning ma'am", at the soft voice greeting her Marry, looked up, her smile was soft and welcoming , a mother's smile to be exact .

The smile warmed Rakish's heart , "morning and call me mother, dear after all your man is my son". Rakish, blushed at her words making him look even cuter.

"Marry Ann? we finally found you" Rakish, grinned , he was so happy that Aron's biological mother accepted them , accepted him.

"Yes dear and I'm happy you guys found me , or I would have never met my son and his beloved". "I'm glad we looked, so do you want some help?", "yes dear though I'm almost done".

Aron, woke up and panicked not seeing Rakish, next to him . He jumped out of bed and ran out of the room he only stopped when he heard laughing. He followed the sound to the kitchen to which he froze at the sight .

Marry and Rakish, were both chatting happily in matching aprons and were setting the table. Aron, thought it was cute that they got along so well .

"Well this is one sight I'd like to wake up to again" Aron, said entering the kitchen , he kissed Marry on her cheek and kissed Rakish, on his lips deeply .

They pulled away to catch their breaths, their gazes never leaving one  other , their smiles were bright and their eyes were shinning with love.

"Morning lovely" , "morning love", "okay lovebirds sit down and stop making this old lady hold the candle".

The two laughed happily , "oh no I'm late" said Rakish, suddenly. "To where dear?" Marry, asked, "I have cat walk and posture class this morning though I think it's not helping me since I still walk like I have a back ache".

Both mother and son laughed , "so you entered the pageant?" Marry, asked curiously. "Yes I did" , "I used to enter those too when I was your age that's how I met Chris, actually. I can teach you how to cat walk" Rakish's eyes opened wide in excitement.

"really mother?" ,"yes dear we can start after breakfast, Aron, would you be a darling and wash the dishes?".

Aron's jaw dropped "your kidding right mother ?", "Of cause not darling, I have to teach my son in law how to cat walk he'll be the star of the show".

Rakish, kissed Aron's cheek "please love", he begged with puppy dog eyes that made Aron, nod In a daze.

The scene made Marry, remember how she also had Chris, wrapped around her little finger.

Marry, taught Rakish, how to cat walk and found he was a fast learner , even Rakish, was surprised at his progress.

being my twin sister*(BOOK 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant