chapter sixteen

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Saburu , stood from her chair after she hung up on Lisa.

"So my little nephew has come to play. Him and his faggot of a mother just love to steal what does not belong to them . Too bad I won't let history repeat itself, my daughter will marry the man she wants".

"Mother what evil are you planning now?" asked Merissa, entering her mother's room. "Oh princess I'm planning to save your marriage with Aron".

"So you heard about that whore right?" her eyes suddenly held the same spark that shone brightly in her mother's eyes.

"I heard, I can't believe I have to to always fight with those worthless things" .

"What are you planning to do mother?".

"We need to make him leave Aron, there's only one way to get rid of that pest. We'll make him believe that Aron, is cheating on him, Aron, hates being accused of being dishonest so he'll instantly leave him".

"Oh my mother did I ever tell you your the best mother in the whole world?" ."Yes dear every single day" Saburu , said proudly.

Aron, sat waiting for Rakish, to come.  He did not see the woman that came to sit next to him , "hey handsome" she greeted with a seductive tone .

Aron, was not interested so he ignored her , just then the door to the restaurant opened and right then and there like a movie in slow motion Rakish, walked in just as the woman kissed Aron.

Rakish's heart broke as Aron, did not make a move to push her away since the poor man was frozen in shock.

When finally he came back to his senses his eyes locked to Rakish's dark brown eyes that had tears falling slowly out of  them.

Aron, stood up but it was too late  Rakish, had already run out. "Look what you did!!" He yelled at the woman angrily.  The woman just chuckled "mission accomplished" she whispered but Aron, still heard her .

He did not question the woman at all he just went home pondering over her words, what could she have meant?what mission had she completed and who hired her?.

"Oh son your back" Lisa, said her smile very big and loving . "Hello mother", "I've thought about your relationship with that young man and I accept it". "You accept it?" ,"yes son your happiness comes first".

Aron, looked at his mother intently just after  Rakish, left the restaurant like that thinking he was a cheating bustard  that's the time she chooses to accept them .

All of that was just too suspicious to him. "I don't know what to say mother, the thing is I don't know if Rakish, will ever talk to me again, he caught me in a very compromising position".

Lisa, held in her smile she was happy.
Alexis ,the woman they had hired had done a good job and now things could get back to normal.

"Look on the bright side son you still have Merissa, a lovely girl and can give you an hair to all your companies".

Now his suspensions were becoming clear , there was something he was missing, but what?.

Why was his mother so insistent that he should get married to Merissa, when he clearly did not like the girl.

There must be something more , a story or perhaps a secret no one knows about.

Now that he thought about it his mother all these years had been abnormally loyal to Saburu , her friend . Could she know something about his mother they did not?.

If all his questions had answers he had to find them it was a matter of his love life , his happy life with the man he loves.

He tried calling Rakish, but he was not picking up , he knew he had to go find him he could not let things end like that .

Rakish, had his heart and was half of his soul how could he be complete without him. After his parents had left he took  a cab to the pageant building .

When he got there he asked the receptionist where he could find Rakish, and he got the room number, everyone seemed to be asleep.

He knocked on the door gently but there was no reply he tried the lock and it opened .

The room was dark so he turned on the light to find Rakish, on the ground his knuckles bleeding and he was crying.

"Oh my god Lovely what did you do?"

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