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"Do you want to go back inside?" Wesley asks me and I look at him, then at the front door of Celina's house.

If I went back inside what was the point? I knew no one, and Celina didn't like me. She wanted me to stay away from her son. If I saw Henry in there, how was I sure that he wasn't going to tell me what he told Celina? I like Henry, but as a friend. I will admit, maybe there is something there but I'd rather have him as a friend. If something had started between us, I could never go back to just being friends. And I wasn't sure that entering a relationship with someone who knows me too well was the right choice.

"Can we go somewhere else?" I asked Wesley and he smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and we left the premises.

We walked over to the Royal Garden Hotel. We entered a Chinese restaurant that looked like it was about to close, but Wesley told me to wait as he went to talk to one of the waiters. The waiter leaves for a bit, Wesley waits with his hands in his pocket. He looks over at me and I just smile at him and he smiles back. The waiter returns and speaks to Wesley. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but before I could even ponder on it, Wesley walks up to me and grabs my hand. He takes me to follow the waiter and we are seated.

We were the only people inside. The waiter greets us and tells us to call him when he was ready. Now I wasn't sure if the restaurant was closing, or if Wesley pulled some strings or something. I felt kind of embarrassed just being there though. But I'd rather be here, than elsewhere. Plus, I was a bit hungry.

"I don't know what to get. Can you order for me?" I tell Wesley and he obliges. He gets our orders and the waiter leaves, and tells us it might be a while. Wesley looks at him and then at me. I just nod and smile to tell them I was okay, and the waiter walks off, but not before he could leave our drinks on the table.

"Alex, thanks for giving me a shot." Wesley says and holds my hand across the table. It felt kind of awkward holding hands with him but I just smile at him.

I was sort of having regrets saying yes to Wesley, but even if I regret it, I didn't see why it was wrong to say yes. If things don't work out, then they don't. If they do, then I guess that's cool too. I guess this was just another one of my impulsive decisions, which is basically half of my life. The whole trip to New York was kind of an impulse. I guess I'll just go with the flow.

"You looked upset when you were leaving. Aunt Celina can be a handful. I hope you just ignore what she says Alex. She just doesn't know you well enough yet. Just give her some time, she'll finally see you're a good friend to Henry. Because you really are a good person." Wesley says and I wasn't sure what to say.

He was simply assuming that Celina had told me to stay away from Henry, as a friend. He didn't hear the entire confrontation between the two of us. But I really wonder, what else does Celina know about my parents? What's the real deal? What is the real situation? I'm utterly confused. And I really needed to find out.

"Let's talk about something else." I tell Wesley and he just smiles at me. We spend an hour at the restaurant, and he leaves the waiter and cook a big tip. I guess his way of saying thanks for letting us stay even when they were closing.

Wesley takes me home, and I fall asleep in the car. He wakes me up once we get there, and before getting out of the car he grabs my hand again and smiles at me. I wasn't sure if he was expecting some sort of kiss. But I kissed him on the cheek anyway and told him goodnight. I get out of the car and walk in, dragging my feet to the dorms.

It was pretty late. It was 12:43 midnight, and as I got inside the room I made sure I was quiet. And I made the right choice, since Jacqueline was asleep on the bed. I crept the entire way through, slipped off my dress and changed into pajamas, and went straight to bed. As soon as my eyes closed, I was dead asleep.

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