Chapter 18: It's official... In under closed wraps

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Chapter 18: It's official... In under closed wraps

Apartment stairwell --- 5:15pm

Liana's P.O.V.

After that awkward moment in Dan's bedroom with Phil and Ellie, I asked Dan to take me back to my apartment. We were now at my front door and we were just holding hands and just smiling at each other. I now think Dan is the one... he's special and I think we may pull it off.

"Thanks for this awesome day Daniel" I said.

"Just call me Dan" he said. "And I'm glad you enjoyed it. It really made my day".

Dan leaned forward and gave me a kiss. I went in my apartment and closed the door. From there, I leaned my head to the surface of the door and listened as Dan's footsteps fade away. I sat down and blushed. I had this huge smile on my face and it feels great. I can finally love again... I just hope he doesn't make this a huge deal.

Dan's P.O.V.

I walked back to my apartment and I can see Ellie leaving at the front door. She kissed Phil and walked down and went pass by me. I walked back up and I see Phil walking back to whatever room he's planing to go to. But once he heard me close the door, he turned around and gave me a wave,

"Oh, hey!" I said.

I walked to Phil and we just sat in the Living Room. We turned on the TV and instead of watching, we decided to talk about what just happened.... especially the kiss.

"Ok... So did both of you just kiss, or did you kiss her or what?" Phil asked.

"It's nothing Phil" I said. "We just kissed and we're now dating".

"And I assume that you can't post it online" said Phil.

"Yeah" I said. "Wait what..."

That's when it hits me, I can't tell the public or anyone except for Phil, Ellie, Chris, Peej and James... The Fantastic 7. Oh my, this is big news and I can't tell the world about it. Phil shared his relationship stats during his time with Ellie... But in the end, it's her privacy. She's still at school and she doesn't want to be bombarded with fans, haters and the pressure of her fellow peers. And I know there are many Danosaurs than the amount of Philions... I don't want Liana to get shot.

Maybe it's for the best... Keeping it private... Besides, if the whole world knows about it, it will make things more awkward.

"It's ok" I said. "Maybe it's a good thing for it to be private. Not everything has to be shared you know Philip... Unlike you"

"Your choice... and a good one" said Phil. "At least you respect her. That makes you a good boyfriend".

That what Phil last said... right before he stood up and leave the room. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting on the couch and I turned on my phone. I went on Twitter and Tumblr to see what's up and just the same old stuff.

Days have gone since me and Liana started to go out. When she returned home from school, I showed her how I make my videos as we film my next 'Danecdote' about my heat stroke. I asked both Phil and Liana on the Potato Metaphor and Phil just had to tweet it. We keep on getting 'The Fault in our Star' potato puns.

When we were finished, Phil left the apartment to go to Ellie's to plan the wedding. So it was just me and Liana.

As she is studying for her Literature class, I was waiting for my video to upload. It will take time.

"I'm soo bored!" said Liana.

"You're bored?" I asked. "I'm the one waiting for a video to upload!".

"Dan, I've been meaning to ask... And I hope this doesn't impact you in anyway" said Liana. "But why did you quit university?".

I turned around, sat on the ground with her and I wasn't feeling good. My university life is a point in time where it's sort of distorted and it's the core of my existential crisis. Liana saw my emotions and started to freak out.

"You don't have to answer it Dan" she said in a panicky tone.

"It's ok" I said. "I guess... It's just that, I'm just doing something to please the expectations of others and not for myself. I know becoming a YouTuber isn't what I have in mind but it's something that I enjoy".

"But Dan, you could have been a great lawyer" said Liana.

She did have a point though. I managed to let Ellie tell the truth about her fake amnesia by showing her evidence and being professional and all that but this is different. I can't just memorize the entire list of Laws in the UK and... All I can say.... It's not who I am.

"It's not who I am Liana" I said. "Besides, I'm fine where I am! I have a good career and an awesome best friend and a beautiful girlfriend. Besides, it sort of like you. You don't want the whole world to know about us".

"Like you said... I am who I am" she said. "I don't want too many pressures in my life. You never posted anything about it right?".

"Still a Secret" I said. "Hey, I respect your privacy so until you're ok with it, I will not say anything about it"

She blushed and we kissed. She then asked me to help her study and since the upload is taking so long... I agreed to help her.

It was hard for me though to tutor her with English Literature for a University standard but some parts were easy to understand. I helped her with her notes and stuff and after that, she was done. We had time left so we played board games and enjoyed the night together in an empty apartment all to ourselves.

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