Chapter 1: Hyde Park

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Chapter 1: Hyde Park

July 6 2014 , 10am:

Dan's P.O.V.

Someone tapped me at the back as I was watching Phil and Ellie. I turned around and it was a group of teenagers wearing one of my shirts. This doesn't feel new to me but I still have to consider, these people watches me so my behaviour could alter their perspective of me.

"Uh... Hello" I said.

The girls started to yell after I just greeted them. I know this feeling... the fan girling and all that, seems normal since we're in public but if its events like Vidcon, that's when things go wild.

"Dan, can we have a photo of you?" asked one of the girls.

"Sure I guess" I said.

We faced the camera and their iPhones and took a selfie. This took a while since there are like 5 girls with me. They also asked me to sign some things and they left.

Ah... the feeling of being a celebrity. The never ending escape of fans, especially if you are the youngest one. I noticed that they aren't asking me 'Where's Phil' anymore. Maybe because they know that Phil has been taken or something.

But then it was discovered, Phil's tweet. It said: "She said Yes!!! Me and @EllieSummersBBC are going to get married!"

Ellie allowed Phil to tweet it and I turned around and there were the news and the people from the magazines. All want to get a scoop about Phil's marriage. I was just still standing there while Phil and Ellie enjoys the spotlight.

Since no one is noticing me for a while, I decided to that it as an advantage and just have a time for myself. So I texted Phil that I will be leaving and he didn't replied back due to the paparazzi.

Phil's P.O.V.

My phone vibrated during the photo taking on the bridge and it was Dan as he left me a text. He said that he will be off since he's no longer needed. I turned and I see him leaving the tree and taking off to his own little adventure.

Ellie saw me seeing Dan going away. We can tell that Dan feels left out or something. So we left the bridge and ran to him. But by the time we went down, Dan has already left the park. We can no longer see him as he has probably left us.

"Phil, is Dan going to be ok?" Ellie asked. "He seems, lonely".

"Don't worry, he will find someone, he's still 23 years old" I said. "He'll be fine".

But to be honest, I don't think he will be fine. I can sense jealousy with the boy. It's been happening since me and Ellie started dating. He just want a companion. I don't know what happened with his blind dates with some Ellie's friends but I'm guessing Dan wants to be with someone who yet doesn't know who he really is.

That will be a challenge since me and Dan are famous in the UK. Almost everyone have heard of us so there is no going back. But there is still hope for Dan as he will find someone soon.

Dan's P.O.V.

I was looking around and I was near some restaurants near the park. I walked by Mari Vanna and suddenly, I heard someone really familiar. I turned and it was Sophie. She was there, sitting outside with a boy, probably from her school. I walk just a few block till she called me from behind.

"Dan?" she said.

I turned around and I saw her. She looked different when I last saw her. She looks professional, out from the night club get up, she got her hair straighten and her face doesn't have that much make up and her outfit seems normal and professional.

"Hey... Sofia right?" I said.

"It's Sophie" she said. "Anyways, how have you been?"

"You're a fan aren't you... you should at least know" I said.

"Yeah" she said. "I haven't been catching up due to school! Being a doctor is hard work".

"So, who were you with?" I asked.

"My boyfriend" Sophie said. "He's name is... David".

The boy went out and he almost looked like me. He looks like how I would have looked like if I was still studying... or already a lawyer! I felt like looking at my parallel self... Someone from an alternate universe. Great, I'm about to have an existential crisis just because I'm looking at this boy!

"Hey" said David.

"Hello" I said.

Things started to look really awkward as Sophie can tell that she's looking at almost the same person, except one is successful and one is famous.

"Well, nice knowing both off you..." I said. "Nice seeing you Sophie".

"Good bye Daniel" she said.

I walked away and just returned to my apartment. I needed a break, besides today is to give Phil more of the bragging rights since it's his day.

But as I was walking, there was a girl with roller-skates, rushing to wherever she was going and we bumped into each other. Neither of us got hurt but she didn't come back to apologise.

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