Chapter 16: The New Dan and Liana

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Chapter 16: The New Dan and Liana

Somewhere in London --- 10:15am:

Dan's P.O.V.

I now decided to change who I am... but not entirely. I gave myself a new look and there are people who can recognise me. I didn't mind. Some of the fans though were shocked to see my new appearance and there were haters and supporters. I did the usual, take photos with fans and continued with my daily life but this time... I chose to go to different places on my own. This is new of me because usually... I do these things with Phil but he's getting married now so there is no point for me to be near the guy.

I walked at Hyde Park, just doing a little stroll till someone tapped me on the back. I turned around and it was Liana.

"Hey" she said.

"Hi" I said. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"Not today" she said. "I almost didn't recognise you. New look?"

"Yeah" I said. "So, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to study for a bit... Get some inspirado from nature for my Poetry lesson" said Liana. "Why are you here?"

"Phil and I got into a dispute that I decided to move on and take a walk" I said.

I decided to walk away till Liana grabbed my arm.

"Hey, since were both free, let's have lunch" she said.

"But... I thought you hate the attention" I said. "Hyde park is the only place where there are less fans. If we move to the streets..."

"Dan... I'm trying an effort here!" said Liana. "I gave you pain for the past few days and now... I just want to try"

So we left and went to a nearby Starbucks that we can find. We sat inside and there were a few people staring at us. I can sense that Liana is getting a bit insecure but we just try to make it through. Once again, I'm being recognised and the small talk began... but they became curious just because Phil isn't around. We got our order and sat down.

"So... do you have any plans today?" I asked.

"Not really" said Liana. "I don't have many friends... Or any in that matter"

"You have me" I said.

"Yeah... But..." said Liana. "You're like 4 years older than me... But it's not that I hate it but you can do so much better! I'm just a Uni student and you're a famous Youtube... Person and a Radio presenter! Why me?"

"Liana... You may not know it but we are almost alike" I said as I held her left hand. " We both are insecure in social situations and sure... you may not think of it now but every time you just leave me without answer... I just feel like you're tearing me apart"

Liana started to get upset. Her eyes started to have tears falling down right to her face. She smiled for a bit as she is trying to figure out what to say next.

"Daniel... I don't know but... Is it ok if I come over to your place!" She asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"I tried watching some of your videos and I noticed you play piano... I just wondering... If we can jam for a bit" said Liana.

"Sure" I said.

So we walked back to my apparent and Liana first wanted to go to her apartment to get her guitar. She came out and we went to my apartment. As we entered, Phil was in the lounge with Ellie.

"Hi Phil" said Liana.

Phil and Ellie turned around and saw me and Liana at the hallway.

"Dan, you came back!" said Ellie. "You look different thought".

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