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To the person who has my heart consistently,

You have taught me who I am.

You have taught me that the people who feel like they are everything, can become so much more.

That all it takes a little luck, and a little understanding between you, and the external factors that happened to bring us together. I don't know if that was the universe's doing, or if that was the doing of something greater, but regardless of that, I am here, and I love you.

You have taught me what it was like to give my all to someone in every way I currently know how to, and that you would be patient in learning the rest. That you don't have to rush the things that are forever. That there is no limit on the heights we are able to reach.

For every bad day I have had since I met you, you were there. It was as simple as that. Whether you knew how to fix it or not, whether you knew where to start or not, while I was going through something difficult you were there. To be honest, a lot of the time I forget about the pain when I'm with you because I love learning about the ways that you deal with situations, and I love learning about the ways your heart opens up to everything you encounter. I can't focus on anything else.

Here, I learned that I never have to stop learning about you. Here, I learned that it is my favourite thing to do.

You taught me that I do not have to forget about my pain to fix a problem. For the first time in my life, through you I learned what it meant and how important it was to put myself first; to take care of myself and to even relatively think about putting myself into consideration above anyone else. Despite this, I know that I will always put you first, and you will always do the same for me, simply because this is what it means to take care of each other.

I have learned exactly who I am here.

You have not taught me loss and I don't believe you ever will, but you have taught me love in all it's different forms, even the ones that I never knew existed. You have taught me that it does not have any capacities and boundaries, and that it truly is the most beautiful and powerful thing in this world, especially when it happens to be between you and I.

I have become a new human here; a better one. I have become a new writer. You have opened up my mind and you have defined what it means to be genuine for me in ways I have never known.

To be all that you are because of all that we are.

There are only good moments here. Maybe sometimes there's moments where we aren't on the same page, but as writers I think we know better than anyone that there will always be a blank one; waiting to write another story and sequence of the most beautiful lines anyone has ever read, as soon as we are ready flip the page over again.

This is a never-ending story; it always has been.

Not long ago someone asked me if I have ever found my way out of the labyrinth. To be honest, I haven't yet, but I did see the way out, and the way out happens to look a lot like you.

Wall number five; a wall I built for being stuck in a labyrinth for way too long. Wall number five; a wall you have broken down for showing me that there is a way out of it.

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