"So... you know how we're gonna do this?" Keith asked, looking to his human counterpart. "You wanted to try, so you should start." Lance looked back to him, stretching his legs out to lay them flat on the floor. "Okay then... umm... let's start with why we hate each other?" Keith suggested with a shrug.

Lance sat up straight, with a slight nod. "Sure. I'll go first." He readjusted himself, shifting slightly. "Okay, well I hate you because you like to do your own thing and leave all of us in the dark." He said honestly. "I do that because I know you guys won't approve of what I want to do." Keith stated his reason, crossing his legs in a circular shape.
(Crisscross applesauce style)

"Which we do because we don't want... well... you usually get hurt and need to be saved." Lance tried to make it sound less caring. Keith smiled. He genuinely smiled. A rarity now days. "Your turn." Lance smile back.

"I hate you because you're WAY too self-involved. You're super egotistical, I mean." Keith didn't hate him as much as he shows. Like Lance said, he is a bit hotheaded and might have some slight anger issues. "Just assures everyone that I won't become depressed anytime soon!" Lance smirked, nudging the half galra.

Keith laughed lightly, rolling his eyes playfully. "Your turn. What else do you hate?" He asked the Cuban.

Lance actually had some trouble with a second reason, looking down slightly as he searched his brain for something. "You can't think..?" Keith asked slowly, feeling a little worried. "I guess... I hate just one quality about you..." he answered, chuckling. Keith opened his mouth as if to speak, but Lance interrupted. "What else about you?" He asked, looking back to him from the floor. "What else do you hate about me."

Keith closed his mouth, then thought for a second. "Why do we hate each so much? We've only one flaw." He answered the question with a question.

"Are we just looking for attention or something?" Lance joked, but it kind of came off as more serious. Keith saw it the way it was intended. "You definitely are there, Lance." He smirked, then it slowly went away. "Can I tell you something?" He asked, getting a bit nervous.

Lance turned his whole body, facing him fully. "Well yeah, duh." He only smiled, stars in his eyes. "I think you having a huge ego is kinda..." Keith muttered the last word, looking away with red cheeks and ears. "I'm sorry..? What was the last bit?" Lance asked, raising a brow, but kept his smile.

"Cute..." Keith whispered, surprised at himself that he had actually managed to say it. "Like... what kind of cute?" Lance asked, seemingly not understanding.

"I like you, Lance. I like you a lot. And I know you're not gay, but I thought I'd just let you know..." Keith stood up slowly, soon seeing and hearing the door open. "Dinner is ready." Coran spoke, twisting the edge of his mustache in between his thumb and pointer finger.

Keith just moved pasted him, not saying anything.

"Is he okay?" Coran asked, looking to Lance. "He's... fine."


Everyone was at the table, eating in a comfortable yet awkward silence. Well, that was until Allura broke it. "So, Lance, Keith... are you two getting along?" She asked, the two just stayed silent, neither one knowing how to answer.

Coran whispered something to Allura to which she just sighed. "Maybe we should try again tomorr-" "No!" Keith interrupted, standing up quickly. Everyone but a certain someone looked to him. "I mean... please, no. Lance and I are getting along just fine, right?" He looked to the blue paladin. Lance sat up straight, then shook his head. An idea popped into his brain.

"No. Keith is lying! Like always!" Lance yelled, trying to convince Allura and everyone that they aren't getting along. "And... I think we need to go back there." "Lance, what he fuck!?" Keith furrowed his brows, believing his act. "We talked it out! We- we had a moment of laughter!!" "Just shut it, Keith! You wanted to try, and now that I'm trying, you wanna quit!?" Lance had a look in his eye, like a little star was just born. Keith noticed it quickly, then knew what Lance was attempting.

He couldn't help but internally smile with a little blush.

The three paladins and Coran felt really uncomfortable. Coran worried, Pidge annoyed, Hunk nervous, and Shiro a little pissed. The only alien left just watched it pan out. She needs to see how they interact so she can use it to her advantage.

"I did try! I made the first suggestion to make things work, then you just made everything worse and don't-" Keith tried to speak, but was interrupted by Lance himself. "/I/make everything worse!? The hell are you trying to do!? Don't blame everything on me!" Lance growled, taking a quick glance everyone. They all seemed to buy it. "If you didn't pilot the blue lion, I would so fucking kill you, Lance!!"

"Will you two just go back to the panic room!? I can't take much more of this yelling!!" Shiro snapped, pointing the door the exit/entrance of the door. "Shut up Shiro!" Lance and Keith yelled in unison, then it all fell silent. "Will you bozos just let us eat in peace?" Pidge asked, rubbing her temples.

Lance grumbled then walked out, hoping Keith will follow. "Sure thing, Katie." Keith barked, walking out after Lance. "Half-breed!!" Pidge called out, her face red with anger.

Keith snickered, jogging a bit to catch up with Lance. "We put on quite the show." Lance sneered, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I feel a little bad for snapping at Shiro and Pidge." Keith admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "They'll get over it." The other only shrugged, opening up the panic room.

"Did you mean it?" Keith asked, walking in with Lance and sitting back in the spot they sat last time. "Hm? Mean what?" "That we didn't get progress?" He clarified.

Lance smirked and sat beside of him. "If we didn't make progress, then how did you confess to me? How're we here now laughing?" He asked, scooting closer to him. "I guess you're right... but.." the Korean paused, looking to the tanner. "You didn't accepted my feelings." He smirked back.

"I thought it was implied..." he whispered, climbing on Keith's lap, and kissing his lips softly. Both of their eyes were closed, Keith's face cupped by Lance.

The kiss was heated. It was so smooth, almost like they've done it a thousand times.

Then, the door opened, Allura at it. She stood there, frozen, as did Lance and Keith as they stared at her. "You guys..." she muttered, rolling her eyes. "There's stuff in the spare room, and please... clean up afterwords..." she then left, leaving the door open. She left it open because no one but Coran knows the passcode to get out.

Keith blushed heavily by her comments, then just hugged Lance. "Do you wanna go somewhere more comfortable than this?" The younger asked, playing with the other's mullet. "Nah... I just want to cuddle..." he answered, and doing just that.

Lance and Keith stayed like this for awhile, soon both falling asleep. Everyone who had passed by saw them on the floor spooning, finding it so cute. They also felt really relaxed for the first time in three months.


After that day, they're a couple and proud. They don't fight much anymore other than small yelling but then forgiving each other just minutes later. They fought side-by-side, and everyone is super happy and supportive.

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