(Imagine) Spiderman X Reader 1

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You looked at Stephen Strange in slight anguish and confusion

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You looked at Stephen Strange in slight anguish and confusion. "He got the stone?" You asked panting at the chaos created around you. You blinked incredulously with frustration filling your veins.

"Well it's not exactly like I just handed it over." Strange snapped at you as he winced from the floor.

Your mouth opened ready to give a retort in the midst of anger but the firm "Y/N!" coming from Tony Stark caused you to freeze and scowl. "We all did our best. Apologize to the wizard." You'd be damned if you apologized. Your father told Dr. Strange at the beginning of this battle to get the Time Stone somewhere far away and safe. He was the one who was determined to keep the Time Stone on his person. "Don't think I won't ground you." He scolded once more and you bit your lip annoyed but grateful at Stark's humor during this time.

"I'm sorry... although this would have been-"

A hand soon laced into your fingers and you looked at Peter gratefully with a goofy smile on your face. Stephen Strange's awkward throat clearing caused you to look at him. "Apology accepted." He nodded and you grinned apologetically.

You had first met Peter thanks to that Stark Internship and whenever your dad wasn't around and Happy would ignore poor Parker you decided to step in and answer the questions. Naturally one thing led to another and you and Peter had quickly blossomed from freaking out about hanging out with Stark's offspring and being annoyed by the Peppy Parker to the both of you being two peas in a pod.

Stark said the greatest thing about introducing you to Peter was that his sunshiny persona seemed to be rubbing off on you. And Peter's hand to hand combat improved every day sparring against you.

He reminded you that when all seemed lost that you just had to keep going and look for a positive. And standing on the Titan knowing you lost the battle you couldn't help but force yourself to focus on the positives as your one job was to stop Thanos and instead of a victory.

There was failure.

You squeezed Peter's hand once thanking him for the reminder before letting go and helping Dr. Strange stand up while Peter went to Stark. Your eyes drifted observing Quill help Mantis and Drax and Nebula seemed just fine standing on their own. Strange stumbled so therefore you moved him from laying down to just sit down on a rock as concern filled you and you sighed as your fingers went to gently prod at Strange's ribs healing him with a touch of your fingers. It took time as much of your energy was drained from the fight but you could feel the bones mending under your fingers.

"Something... is... happening." Mantis's soft voice grabbed everyone's attention but you didn't stop healing Strange's wound as it was almost finished and when you finally finished the wound to look at Mantis you had discovered she was nowhere in sight but there seemed to be strange ashes floating in the air and everyone's faces were filled with horror.

"Quill...?" Drax spoke next and you watched in horror as Drax seemed to be disintegrating into ashes from the floor up and the anguish on Quill was enough to bring your eyes to water.

Stark sensed the grief that Quill was about to let consume him and gave a verbal warning letting go of Peter and walking towards Quill with comforting words of "Steady, Quill."

Quill remained silent for a brief moment looking at all of you who remained left with a fear and sadness poignant enough to make you walk to your father in an effort to hold both you and him steady. "Aw, man." 

You could feel your father's grasp around you grow tighter to the point of bruising your skin as you watched Quill disappear before your eyes turning to ash and blowing away in the wind. 

"Tony." You whirled around as your father and you turned to see Strange panting with a face full of apologies. "There was no other way." and he disappeared like the others. You took a step forward as you were closer and tried to grasp Strange your hands glowing as you tried to heal him in an effort to keep someone else safe. 

  You turned to your father tears streaming down your face your hands still glowing from the shock as you trembled. Peter stood right behind Stark his own eyes welling with tears.

"I don't feel so good..."

3rd Person Pov.

Y/N's bottom lip trembled at the words and Y/N watched Peter step forward. "You're all right." Stark held a hand out trying to calm down the teenager as ashes blew in the wind from their body. 

Y/N fell forward into their father's arms  while Peter helped steady his love and looked at Stark with desperation. "I don't know what's – I don't know what's happening. I don't –" He looked at Y/N to Y/N's father as he begins crying.

"Dad!" Y/N whispered "I don't want to go. I don't wanna go! Please!"  Their hands glowed brightly as though she were clutching onto the last of her own life force with all her life.

"Mr. Stark Save her. Save Her!" Parker begged holding onto her. Stark was holding his child as well with such a ferocity. Tony had to choke back a sob when he felt the healing touch on his cheek.

Y/N looked at Stark and Peter with a face of regret and Stark and Peter both felt their loved one disappear from their grasp with Y/N's final words being an apology lost in the wind and Y/N's ashes disappearing along with it.

"She's gone..." Peter turned to Stark with tears falling from his eyes. Stark remained quiet as Parker fell into his arms and they held each other grief and loss as they attempted to comfort the other.

"Yeah kid... Y/N's gone." 


Alright. My first request. Let me know if there's any others ya'll want or are thinking of. Let me know if it suited your fancy or not.

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