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I hated the winter....

It was always too cold and while I appreciated the holidays I found even they lost their fun as my family grew older and grew apart as everyone began tending to their own lives. So I hated it and each time a chill came it reminded me of not only the cold feeling that would cause my skin to prickle with goosebumps but the cold feeling of being left alone. So I hated it and the dark clouds for covering the sun and the dark clouds reminding me of the dark thoughts that occupied my mind. So I hated it and the icy rain and the icy rain that was the crying of the skies...

Then I met him and he loved the winter....

The winter he showed me was as magnificent as the spark in his eyes. The cold wasn't empty loneliness, it was his jacket wrapped around my shoulders insistent so I wouldn't be sick. The dark clouds weren't evil thoughts, it was making a place for us to hide from the others with the only company as each other. With my cold hands caressing his hot skin. The icy rain not crying skies but instead it was dances with him and jumping in puddles and his laugh. God his laugh..... he was the heat in the winter. And I found as winter ended I looked forward to it again next year.

I didn't know that it would be cold again....

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