The Gods Day

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Her shawl coverered her shoulders and her beauty was similar to that of the moon. Dark midnight hair covering the silver moons within her eyes. If you spoke to any of the men within her village they'd proudly proclaim how "Thy beauty eclipses the sun." It was obvious that she was the woman they'd send on the God's day. She understood these compliments and bowed her head, averting her eyes at the lies she felt spilled from their lips.

He had a smile that could coax anyone into anything, and a voice that could cause any to bow. If you spoke to any of the lasses in the village , with a red face they'd crow how "Thou art more radiant than gold.". It was obvious that this was the man they'd send on the God's day. He understood these compliments and flashed that brilliant smile and hid his eyes under his golden hair at the truths he felt spilled from their lips.

Then came God's day- a celebrated day where neighbors were at peace and called out without the slightest tone of venom within their voice "Enjoy thy day full well." She was prepped and a true Lunar Goddess stood upon her people, almost unearthly with her silver eyes scaling everyone, calculating the true nature as she knew their darkness within. "Prithee." she turned to her mother, a final plea. The mother of her bit down on her lip roughly as her husband kept one hand tightly upon her shoulder. As the girl with the eyes of the moon was taken from her home, a sob erupted from the painted lips of her mother. The last sound to be heard from that household before she was shoved into the cold carriage.

Then came God's day- the upper class smiled to the transients on the street handing over a gold coin with a voice of pure happiness "God save thee." He was prepped and cared for a true Solar God among his people, his voice so bright and his crown upon his head glittering upon his golden hair. "Huzzah!" he yelled to his friends and family bidding everyone farewell. Alas how he would miss all these wonderful beings and their wonderful nature but God's day was upon them and he needed to go. He bid his father goodbye with his final words being "Raise a bumper of ale! Tis a day of celebration, old man!" and with a brisk stride he slipped into the golden carriage.

They stepped out of their carriages at the same time. His eyes widened as he stepped forward eager to meet the Lunar Goddess, while her eyes narrowed and she stepped back aware to be careful of the Solar God. "What be thy name?" the Solar God asked curiously. Her lips opened to answer but instead she observed the room and curiously walked forward to where she saw a glittering lake. "Wither goest thou?" The Solar God asked once more following her.

"How thy tongue doth wag." she spoke disinterestedly in the man before her. His mouth opened as a disgruntled sound escaped and he made to speak before he was silenced with a wave of her pale hand. She glanced out at the sky and her head tilted slightly "It's a lunar eclipse." she sighed. Her silver eyes stared up and she knew any minute they would be expected the festival would truly begin.

"Come hither." he gestured to the side next to him and the Lunar Goddess obediently stood aside him. "Tell me. What ails thee?" A warm hand wiped the salty liquid from the cold cheek of the Lunar Goddess. The footsteps came and she turned in front of the Solar God. Loud shouts were occured and rough hands grabbed both God's tying them separately to their own dooms. "How now!?" the Solar sun shouted as splinters cut into his skin. The barbarians that had brought them smiled through rotten behaviours and golden hay fell at his feet.

The Lunar Goddess bowed her head accepting her fate. She had been aware since the first day and she pitied the man who was barely seeing the darkness of the world for the first time when he had given her light for the first time in the world. She did not complain as they placed her in a delicate tank like that of a fish and tied her feet to the chains.

"Fools! A plaugue on thee! Thou lump of of foul deformity! A pox on thee!" the Solar God shouted against his restraints. Panic flooded his sytstems and for the first time in his life he felt the pricks of fear upon his veins. Struggles were made and granted the attempts were useless but human survival kicked in, brave warrior he was no more.

"Thou has little faith." the Lunar Goddess smiled for the first time in her life. Courage and acceptance of what was to come filled her and she felt peace cool her from the core. No struggle was made but at last a strong warrior she was becoming.Then the transition was complete, the sun hid behind the moon and the moon turned the color of the crimson seeping from the Lunar Goddesses mortal wound. She stood allowing the Crimson to seep and watched as they filled her tank with water. Calmly peacefully, like the moon rising into the sky, water filled her lungs and she lived no more.

The Solar God watched in horror as a match was brought to his feet and flames licked around him and he shouted more obscenities and struggled, a bright light in the night he fought until finally like the sun he was bright and became a beacon for everyone, he took his final fighting breath and lived no more.

Two souls rose into the sky one turning into Earth's sattelite and another into the largest star warming the earth, condemmned to protect until the next God's day in which their souls rose into a intermittent dance in the heavens. Finally at rest.

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