Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 : First Date pt. 1

***Demetri's POV***

"Good morning, Metri." Anaysia said while smiling that gorgeous smile of hers.

I pecked her lips quickly. "Good morning, Nay."

After I said that, she stopped smiling. She quickly looked away from me and sat on the edge of the bed. A few seconds later I heard her sniffling.

'Dammit, what did I do?' I thought to myself.

I sat up behind her so that she was in between my legs. I held her close to me, feeling horrible that I made her cry.

"Baby, why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" I asked her.

She turned to look at me, her beautiful eyes shining with tears. she looked away and buried her head in her hands. I just held her tighter, rested my chin on her shoulder and waited until she was ready to talk.

Suddenly, she pulled my arms from her waist and stood in front of me, facing me.

She took in a shaky breath and spoke. "It's nothin you did. Its just..." She paused. I grabbed her hands and held them gently.

"It's okay, Anaysia. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said to her.

She shook her head. "My dad used to call me Nay. The last thing he said to me was, 'I love you, Nay.' And I didn't even get to say it back before-" She didn't finish her sentence. she fell to the floor crying.

I knew her dad died when she was young, that much she told me. What i didn't know was that was the last thing he said to her. She was closer to her dad than she was with anyone else. Well, except me, but her dad was before anyone else.

I dragged my hand down my face. "Dammit." I muttered.

I sat down, pulled her into my lap and just held her. I've never seen her so broken.

I rocked her back and forth. "It's okay, Anaysia. I'm here. I'm here." We stayed like that for who knows how long.

* * * * * * *

Time passed and she was no longer crying. In fact, her breathing was pretty even. She was asleep.

I slowly and gently picked her up. I laid her on the bed and covered her sleeping figure.

I exited the room and made my way to the kitchen.

'I'm gonna do something special for her.' I thought to myself as I gathered everything I needed to make breakfast.

I started on the pancakes and surprisingly succeeded. I can't cook so I was shocked when they came out nice and fluffy.

On to the eggs...FAIL.

"What is that smell?" I looked up and saw Anaysia standing in the doorway in one of my shirts.


She looked at the burning eggs and gave me a small smile.

"Aww, baby. You tried to cook for me?" She said while walking towards me. She grabbed the pan and spatula and threw away the gross looking eggs.

"Sit." She said as she finished cooking. I did as I was told and just watched her.

Man I can't find one imperfection in this girl. She can cook, she gets straight A's in school, she's gorgeous, has a perfect body, and she has a nice ass.

"Metri, stop looking at my ass." Anaysia said without looking at me.

'How did she do that?'

"I can read thoughts remember?" She smirked and handed me a plate of food.

'Me too.' I thought to her. She only stuck her tongue out at me.

I smiled and looked back down at my plate. Eggs, pancakes, grits, bacon. DAMN. I stuffed my face and before I knew it everything was gone.

"Damn, boy. You only had the plate for five minutes." She said with a shocked look on her face. I just laughed and waited for her to finish eating. When she finished, we went back to our room.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked her.

She started giggling and blushing. "Weeeeeell. You still haven't taken me on a date." She said shyly.

'Wow.' I thought. She's right, we haven't been on a date. Well, I need to change that. I walked over to her and held her hands.

"Anaysia Marie Ross, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?" I asked her.

She had the biggest smile on her face and replied, "Demetri Jayden Grey, I would love to go on a date with you." She pecked my lips. "Now get out so I can change."

I laughed and said, "Okay, Okay. Wear something nice." I said winking at her.

I down the hall to the guest bedroom. I didn't have to bring anything because I have my more formal clothes in here. I grabbed some black slacks, a white button down shirt and a light blue tie that matches Anaysia's eyes perfectly.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. i rolled my sleeves up to my elbows and walked downstairs to wait for Anaysia.

***Anaysia's POV***


This is my first date ever so I need to look perfect. I was looking through my closet.

"No. No. No." I said while throwing clothes everywhere.

I gasped when I found the most beautiful dress that matches my eyes. "Perfect!" I forgot that I had this. I laid it on my bed and ran into the bathroom to shower.

I turned the water on and waited for it to get warmer. When it was the right temperature, I stripped my clothes and hopped in. I quickly shaved my legs and washed up with some strawberry scented body wash. I rinsed all the soap off, hopped out and wrapped a towel around me. I grabbed my strawberry lotion off of my dresser and put some on. I got a matching underwear set from my drawer and threw that on.

I put on my blue dress and wrapped a thin brown belt around my waist. I put some light brown, slightly sparkly eye shadow and clear lip gloss on. I slipped on my shoes and picked up my brown clutch.

I left the room and made my way down the stairs.

'Maybe this date would be the perfect opportunity to ask Demetri if he would like to move into my father's house with me.'

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