Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : Unnecessary Roughnes

***Anaysia's POV***

(End of Class)

Demetri was waiting for me so we could walk together. As we were walking someone yelled,

"Hey! Witch! Isn't there a 'special place' for freaks like you?!"

I wasn't all that shocked that he would say something like that. 'I guess Samantha has been busy spreading rumors about me.' I thought, shaking my head.

Demetri is very protective of me. He never took well to people trash talking me cause he thinks I can't protect myself. Sometimes it's sweet but other times it gets annoying.

When he heard what the guy said it sent him over the edge. He practically flew at the guy, i think his name was Aaron. Both boys were on the ground throwing punches and profanities at each other.

"Demetri, stop! You're hurting him!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. I hated seeing people fight, especially over something so little.

A teacher came out of one of the classes after hearing yelling and saw what was happening. She walked towards the two fighting boys and yelled, "Stop, this nonsense!" After some students finally got Demetri and Aaron separated, she grabbed them by the ears and dragged them to principle's office.

I was sitting against the wall in tears. I really hate violence and seeing it doesn't make it better. 'Why am i so damn weak?!' I scolded myself.

"Aww, wook at the wittle baby." I heard someone say in a teasing baby voice. I looked up and saw Samantha and her cheer drones smirking at me. "She upset cause her wittle boyfriend got in trouble. Aww. Do you wanna call your mommy?" She finished. I stood up and hurried away.

"Pathetic." I heard her mumble at my back.

What did I do to deserve this?

***Unknown POV***

"Demetri, stop! You're hurting him!" I heard someone yell. I looked over and saw Demetri going in on some guy's face.

"Shit." I muttered and left my group of friends. I heard them calling me to come back but I ignored them, I only had two things on my mind right now.

1. Get Anaysia away from this.

2. Get my brother away from Aaron before any real damage could be done.

Once I got to them, I grabbed Anaysia and pulled her to a wall away from the fight.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She only nodded because she was crying so hard. She slid down the wall and put her knees up to her chest.

I nodded and quickly ran over and grabbed Demetri's arms pullin them behind his back.

"Dude, chill! It's not that serious!" He wouldn't stop struggling. He just kept yelling profanities at me and the guy but i wasn't going to let him go so he could get into more trouble.

By this time a teacher came rushing out of a classroom saying, "Stop this nonsense!" She walked to us and grabbed both guys by the ears and dragged them away.

I turned around and saw Anaysia looking pissed off. I was about to go over there and make sure she was okay but then Samantha and her idiot friends got to her before me.

"Aww, wook at the wittle baby." I heard Samantha say in a teasing way. "She's upset cause her wittle boyfriend got in trouble. Aww. Do you wanna call your mommy?" Before I could make it over there to stop it, Anaysia ran away.

"Pathetic." I heard Samantha say.

I just shook my head and made my way to class. Damn, she's a bitch. Anyways, I'm gone. Peace.

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