Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 : Blood Lust

***Anaysia's POV***

Once we got home, we went straight to our room. I grabbed some shorts and a tank top and changed. When I was done, I looked up and saw that Demetri was standing there in JUST his boxers. And let me just say his body is absolutely AMAZING. I didn't realize I was staring until he spoke.

"See something you like?" He asked with a cocky grin.

I playfully glared at him and climbed into bed. "Eh." I said without looking at him.

Once I was nice and cozy, I felt the bed dip signaling that Demetri got in too. He put his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, "Good night, baby girl. I love you."

With everything that happened, I didn't really have a chance to think about that dream and my dad. Hearing Demetri call me baby girl made me think of him but oddly enough I didn't cry, I smiled. "Night. I love you, too." With that said, I felt sleep start to consume me. Maybe I'm done blaming myself. I refuse to blame myself if it will make him happy.

**An Hour Later**

I heard a blood curdling scream and it took me a while to realize it was coming from me. My insides felt like they were going to collapse into themselves. I felt Demetri shaking me and calling my name but the pain was so intense that I couldn't respond. Finally the pain receded long enough for me to answer.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Demetri asked me, panic clear in his voice.

"My insides feel like they're gonna explode!" I paused to take a deep breath. "And I'm burning up." I said through gritted teeth. The pain was coming back with full force. I tried to keep from screaming so they only ended up as grunts.

Demetri left only to come back with something in his hands. My vision became blurry so I couldn't see what it was. A few seconds later I felt something on my forehead. A rag. I tried to take my mind off of the pain so I thought about Demetri.

'He really knows how to take care of me. He-'

"AHHHHHH!!!" I was pulled out of my thoughts when another wave of pain hit. It was so bad, it was only a matter of time before I passed out.


When I came to, the pain wasn't so overwhelming. It was then that I noticed that Demetri had his wrist hovering over my mouth.

"Wha-" I was cut off when I felt something land on my tongue. I knew instantly that it was his blood. I looked up at him, scared and nervous that I would hurt him. I would rather die than hurt him. He gave me a sad smile, obviously hearing my thoughts.

"It's okay, baby. Drink."

I shifted my attention back to his wrist and inhaled deeply. His blood smelled so sweet. I gripped his wrist bringing it to my mouth. I started drinking his sweet, tantalizing blood.

When I thought I had enough, I gently shoved his arm away.

I immediately started questioning him.

"How come your blood isn't nasty and bitter anymore?"

He laughed and started to explain. "You're my mate."

I just looked at him waiting for him to continue. "A werewolf's blood is unappealing to keep vampires from feeding off of us. But on the occasion that a wolf's mate is vampire and she accepts him, his blood becomes appealing to her."

I looked at him confused. "So werewolves and vampires don't mate?"

He looked slightly worried by my question but hid it quickly. "It's very rare." Was all he said.

I nodded and tried to get off the bed but failed miserably. I ended up face planted on the carpeted floor. He was by my side right away.

"Baby, you're still too weak to move. You need more blood." He said while helping me up.

"Cause you're weak too, I didn't wanna take too much." I paused to catch my breath. "Besides, there's blood in the fridge." I finished.

Yes, I know how strange that sounds but I refuse to go around killing people to survive. Sometimes, I would lift some blood from the local blood drive.

Is that so wrong?

Yes? Oopse.

Demetri laid me down on the bed gently as if he thought I would shatter at any given moment. He turned on his heels and went to the kitchen. He returned a few minutes later, handing me a small glass of blood. I drank it slowly knowing I get...'drunk' when I have too much blood.

Let me explain: Just as a human gets drunk off of too much alcohol, a vampire can get drunk off of too much blood.

'I just won't drink anymore than this.' I thought to myself, but once the smell hit my nose i knew this wasn't going to end well.

This Should Be Interesting.

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