Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 : The Present and The Memory

I don't know why but while I was running, my mind began to wander.

It was nine months ago when I learned that I was a witch and a month ago I learned that my birth mother was dead. I was moved in with my father and his wife. I don't know how my mother died, all I was told was that she was sick. Even now I have this feeling that wasn't true. I always feel bad because I can't say that I miss my mother, I never knew her. I don't even have a picture of her and that bothers me.

Coming back to reality, I realized that my feet were still moving. I didn't know where I was running until I was in front of my house. I ran inside and locked myself in my room. A few minutes later I heard my aunt knocking on my door. Since my father's death, I've been living with my aunt, his sister.

"Sweetheart, what's happened?" She asked thru the door.

I couldn't stop the tears enough to form words so I just didn't speak. When I stayed quiet, I heard her sigh and walk away. When I knew she was gone, I wiped my tears and dug through the drawer of my bedside table. When I found what I was looking for I sat up straight and stared at the picture.

"I miss you, daddy." I said softly. I was always so close with my dad and his death hit me harder than anyone. She knew that but she was trying her hardest to be the mother and father in my life.

I was young when my dad died in a car crash so I don't remember much about him. But that day will forever be drilled into my memory. No matter how hard I try to forget.


"You want to get some ice cream, sweety?" My dad asked my two year old self.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I screamed. He smiled at me, picked me up and put me in my car seat. My mom was at work that day so it was just me and my daddy.

The whole ride to the ice cream shop, I was dancing in my car seat and singing the ice cream song.

"I love ice cream, yes I dew. I love ice cream, how about yew."

My dad looked at me through the rear view mirror and laughed. Hearing my day's laughter always made me smile.

"I love you, Nay." He said.

"I wu--AHHHHHHHH!!!"

Before I could finish, another car hit us head on. My dad died on impact.

***End of Flashback***

The last thing my dad said to me was that he loved me and I didn't even get to say it back.

I didn't realize I was crying till I saw a tear drop land on the picture.

"It's ok, honey." I heard my aunt say while she hugged me. I looked up and saw that not only did she see the picture I'm my hands but she was also crying.

"I miss him so much, auntie." I said, hugging her and crying on her shoulder.

"I know, I know." She sniffed. "I miss him too." She said and kissed my hair. We stayed like that for who knows how long just crying. Then she pulled away rubbing my back soothingly, "Sweety, I have to leave for a business trip in the morning, I'll be gone for a month. Do you think you'll be okay here by yourself? If not, I can always not go."

I smiled softly, "I'll be okay. Have fun"

We both laughed. "Ok, hun," she said wiping away her tears. "Why don't you get some rest? You have school in the morning." Then she got up.

"Okay, goodnight." I said getting under the covers. She kissed my forehead and walked away.

"Goodnight, baby girl. Sweet dreams." She smiled and closed the door behind her.

I kissed the picture of my dad and I and put it on my bedside table. Turning off the lamp I said, "Good night, daddy. I love you."

Closing my eyes I fell into what I hoped would be a dreamless sleep.


Hello, I've decided to do a double upload since it's been awhile since I washable to upload. Please leave comments on your opinions of this story. Any criticism is appreciated to make my writing better thank you :)

- Shani

P.S. If I can get at least 3 comments I will have part two of this chapter up.

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