Day 7: Shaadi delay?

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"I don't understand why is everything bad is happening in my wedding only???!!!!" Ovi yelled as Jimin just patted her back as they were sitting inside his room. Sri locked their shared room and wasn't opening up so Ovi and Ishi had to stay in other's rooms for the night. While Ishi settled with Hobi and Taehyung (swiftly avoiding Jungkook who desperately wanted another movie night with Her), Ovi settled with Jimin.

"Well, I think it was Jin Hyung's fault. When he knows very well that Namjoon hyung and Sri are like siblings then he should have trusted them. That showed how hollow his trust is on her."

"OH really? Well who really asked Namjoon to go kiss Her forehead? Jin did what anyone would do when you see your partner with someone you know will get closer if not them." She said as Jimin furrowed his brows and stood up.

"Your opinion is totally wrong over here Ovi. Would you act like this if Jungkook is just comforting me? Would you really beat him because ARMYs ship us and that scares you?" He said and Ovi looked in disbelief and stood up too, their eyes throwing fireballs at each other.

"Well, would you say nothing if Taehyung came up and start comforting me? Won't you feel insecure?" She yelled and he sighed in annoyance. This conversation was leading to nowhere.

"Really Ovi? Why are you acting like this?" He yelled in anger as she gritted her teeth and cracked her knuckles.

"You didn't answered me Jimin. Because I fucking knew I felt this way when your ex started calling a few days ago." She spoke up as Jimin widened his eyes.

How come she know?

"Yes, I know your ex had called you tons of times and all she said was that she wants you now. You know how much that hurts? When you actually cried when talking to her because you remembered the time you spent with her, those moments being too nostalgic? The Jimin that was talking to her was not the Jimin I'm getting married to, it was the Jimin from 2011 who still loved his ex." She said as a tear fell down her cheek and Jimin shook his head, holding her shoulders as she looked in his eyes.

"I think we should not marry. Everything happening is too much for me, I need some time with myself please." She said as Jimin eyes widened in shock.

"N-no I-I can't lose you a-again please." He begged as tears flown down his cheeks but she shook her head.

"I didn't said I'm going away from you. I just need time away from everything happening." She said as he slowly nodded and she wiped the tears off her cheeks, Now walking out of the room as Jimin unknowingly let out a sob.

"Jimin! What has happened between you two? Why are you crying?" Jimin's mom walked inside, face filled with worry as Jimin closed his eyes and then opened them, Now looking at her.

"We're delaying the wedding for a while."


"We've heard that they fought that's why the wedding got delayed." Ishika heard one of the aunties saying to another as she furrowed her eyebrows but decided not to speak.

"Yes, that is why I didn't let my daughter go outside for studies. These foreigners don't even keep up with our culture, leaving the girls ruined." Another one whispered as she felt her insides boil up.

"Well, Now this girl is regretting what she did. I recommended my son's name to her mom, but actually she wanted what her daughter wants. Let her be out of leash, this was meant to happen." One said as this was the last straw for Ishika as she slowly turned to walk towards them with a fake sarcastic smile.

"The wedding has delayed auntie, does not mean that it isn't happening. And auntie! I remember when your son came up marrying an American stripper because he made her pregnant. And your daughter actually running off to London on the Day of her marriage because she was tired of all the boundaries you put on her. Well, honestly I feel she did right. And Ojesvi is nowhere close to what your kids did. So it's better you both not talk crap about her. Enjoy the food! And don't try to make a fuss about it, because all will agree I'm right." She said with a sweet fake smile as the ladies' faces went pale and she walked away to get bumped in a figure as she stumbled a bit but his hands snaked down her waist to give her support.

OJESVI WEDS JIMINحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن