Start from the beginning

He smirked and laughed lightly.

   The instructor entered the room and began the lesson. Lucas tapped his pencil against the desk with a soft rhythm, while I focused on the notes. I took a moment to glance over at Lucas who looked extremely bored and he had taken no notes. I shook my head subtlety and continued writing.

   Finally the bell rang, indicating that class was over. I caught Lucas' glance before I started to walk out of the room.

"See you tonight Celeste."

He smiled and waved goodbye.

I briefly nodded at him and left the room quickly. Wait...what? See me tonight? Today is not a Friday...we were not fighting tonight.

Not seeing Lucas for the remnants of the school day, I had no time to ask him what he meant. His comment had then sunk into the depths of my mind, to be forgotten until a later date.


I breathed heavily as I swung quickly at the foam blocks Jason held in his hands. Jason was training me for some speed today to help with quicker reactions. I struck the blocks rapidly while keeping a continuous and steady Rhythm in my punches. Right punch, left punch, right punch...

Jason signaled for me to stop and I ran a sore hand across my forehead, removing a thin layer of sweat.

"Nice C! I'm very satisfied in your quick improvement of speed while you fight. You think your ready to put it up to the test?"

He smiled playfully.

"Of course I am."

I smirked and tightened the thin gloves on my hands, preparing for a quick match.

"The question, Jason, is are you ready for me to put you up to the test?"

I laughed lightly and he winked at me.

"We shall see, won't we now?"

He smirked and entered the ring behind me, the grin still remaining on his face.

We had our usual small crowd of fighters gather and watch as while we circled each other.

Jason raised an eyebrow at me and glanced behind me. I took this as an opportunity to lunge at him. I was taking the offense tonight.

I swung and stuck his stomach. He winced regaining his attention and tackled me to the ground. Laughing, I swung at him to get him off and I sent an elbow into his shoulder. I then rolled away from him and regained my ground.

Standing onto my feet and cart-wheeling towards him, I used my flexibility to an advantage. My foot made contact with his side and he grasped my leg, pulling me off my feet. Hanging by my leg, I used all of my strength to pull myself up from an upside-down position and I used swift motions to get a few good hits in.

Jason released me and I rolled onto the ground, free from his grasp. Just by a chance I had glanced into the small crowd of people and noticed something. Well, more like a someone.

Lucas was standing in the crowd watching me with a light grin.

I got to my feet and charged Jason, front flipping over his head. I grasped at his shoulder in an attempt to pull him down, my fingers skimming his shoulders. Oh shoot.

I had miscalculated my flip over Jason due to my shock of seeing Lucas in the crowd. I Landed with a 'thud'  and winced at the pain that surfaced. I take a second glance into the crowd and I know that I was definitely was not imagining Lucas' presence when my eyes locked with his bright ones.

I stood, pain thundering across my spine and I faced Jason. My gaze no longer remained  in Lucas' direction. I pulled my arm back, giving it the momentum I needed to strike at Jason once more. 

The force of the punch caught him off guard and I struck Jason across the face a second time, watching as he slipped to the ground.

A friend of his struck the bell, ending the match. I approached Jason and held my hand out to him to help him up. He took my hand and smirked, pulling me to the ground.

I laughed softly and shook my head at him. He smiled and ran his hand over his wild hair.

"Nice fight C!"

I smirked and stood up, Jason doing the same. I tossed him a chilled water bottle before grabbing another for me from the mini-fridge in the corner of the room. After taking a long uninterrupted drink of water, I wiped my face clean of sweat and scanned the room for Lucas. Why was he here?

I turned my back to lucas' direction as he walked towards me, taking his time to take in detail of each ring along the way.

"What are you doing here?"

I asked as his form caught up with me. I began to walk towards the practice ring to gather my belongings, waving as I passed Jason and his friends along the way.

"Well," he started,"I had a conversation with your coach, Jason and he said he didn't mind if I started going here for some extra training. It's not really the greatest feeling being beat to death every Friday match."

He smiled, "It's a pretty nice place here. I can understand why it was so hard to find, after seeing the outside of place. "

   I nodded softly and knelt next to my belongings, gathering them in my arms before standing once more.

"To be honest though, you almost caused me to break my back when I flipped over Jason!" I smile, "I thought that I was hallucinating."

Lucas laughed.

"It's good to keep you on your toes Celeste."

I hit him in the arm lightly with my glove. "Whatever."

"I've got to head home, but I guess it's good to know what you meant by seeing me later."

He nodded, " You picked up on that?"

  I nodded and started walking towards the exit.

" See you tomorrow Celeste ."

I nodded and waved without looking back. It could be very bad that Lucas has decided to come here, for his sake. Plus it's invading on my time with Jason.

I don't want him to know my secrets either.  I guess he really does need the help.

I contained any other thoughts I had as the cool air hit my skin upon leaving the facility. I walked home in silence and tried to ignore the flaws I've caused in my life this year. I remained silent and thoughtless throughout a quick shower. I fell across my bed afterwards now being sweat-free, allowing myself to submit into a soundless sleep.

So many things are changing in such a short amount of type. I hate to admit it, but I think Lucas is the reason why.


Hey readers!

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!! 3.6k?!? That's amazing! I thank all of you for this. Thank you for staying with this book even though I haven't updated in forever! Love you all! :)

Happy reading!

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