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Chapter 6

I awoke with a soundless yawn and partially stretched, cringing in pain.


    I could see the visible bruises that had formed along my skin, each one aching painfully. It felt as if my skin was burning. Every Saturday morning after the fights I would always wake up a bit sore and stiff.

   My head rung violently and I remembered taking the hit to the face.


    I sat up slowly and and an odd feeling rushed over me while I glanced at my clock.

It was morning.

   It was actually morning!

   Sunlight greeted me through the window in a soft, gentle manner.

   Had I slept through the whole entire night?

   I pushed myself to remember if I had woken within the night. I would definitely recall waking up during the night.

   I smiled when I remembered nothing. I had no nightmares.

    I had actually made it through the whole night without being awaken with the usual nightmares that plagued my sleep.

   I half smiled again and winced when my jaw rung in pain. Maybe I will just pretend that I'm smiling.

   I crawled out of bed, ignoring my aching muscles and walked out of my room.

    I Keep quiet as I walk past my parent's room and I stop when I hear my mothers voice. My father had gone to work already, leaving the day to my mother and I. We don't actually talk often because I'm very antisocial nowadays.

   I allowed myself to listen in on her conversation. I was sure to remain silent in order to eavesdrop, without getting caught. My mother was talking to someone on the phone.

   I know that eavesdropping isn't something that I wan't to be caught doing. Yet, after I heard her say my name to the person on the other line, I knew that there was no way I could just walk off.

   She sounded as if she was crying and her voice was hoarse.

"I just...I really miss her. Ever since her kidnapping she's been different, as if she's just a hollow shell missing her original personality. Celeste is gone."

I inhale sharply. I know that I haven't acted normal since the kidnapping, but I was still here. My original personality was just lost deeply within myself.

"...I just really want my daughter back. I miss her..."

She paused to blow her nose in a tissue, sniffling softly into the phone.

   "I just wish I knew how to help her. I'm hoping that one day she will be able find herself. I have hope for her, she's a tough girl. Every once in a while she comes home with bruises and cuts. I don't know how she gets them but it breaks my heart to see her so...broken."

   She sniffles again.

  "You're right, the best thing I can do is give her the space she needs in order to breathe. Maybe she will find her way. "

  She pauses once more, the person on the other end speaking.

   "That sounds great! Maybe we should get out of town this Summer to clear our minds a bit. I thought of moving but it might only make things worse, she graduates in a few months anyway."

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