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Chapter 3

I headed home not long after school ended and grabbed my basic gear. The gear consisted of a black-hooded cloak, a pair of thin-dark grey gloves, black converse, and a bottle of water. My attire was made of of darker colors in order to blend within the shadows easier.

The less people saw of me, the less questions were asked.

I headed off towards my practice location, keeping aware of my surroundings as I did so. The location was secret and was only open to members. It's best to keep a place like that hidden from outsiders.

It took nearly fifteen minutes of walking before I had arrived at the hidden building at the edge of town. I found myself facing the small structure's wooden door.

I knocked on the door with three solid punches and the latch was unlocked for me after someone had peered through a slit in the door. He soon let me in, recognizing me as on of the common fighters. I entered the room, scanning its pale walls before heading downstairs.

The basement was the biggest part of the building, and was magnificent in size. It was built specially in order to make the building appear worthless to people who happen to pass by, while the important part was actually underground.

I smiled after my eyes skimmed the edge of the room, finding my trainer seated in a stool at the corner.

He ended his conversation with the other trainers and stood, preparing for my training session. He turned towards me and nodded in a noticeable manner.

"Good Afternoon, Celeste."

Smiling, I took the hood off of my head, satisfied that I was now in my safe haven with the other fighters that I treated as family.

"Good afternoon Jason."

He nodded and took a quick sip of water from the plastic bottle in his hand. He spoke up, locking his eyes with mine.

"I was thinking that we could work on some more advanced moves today. I think your ready for some different offensive strategies."

I nodded as he finished his sentence. The more he could teach me, the more chances that I will be able to defend myself.

"Sounds good to me." I agreed.

He smiled and motioned to an empty fighting rink. I followed closely behind him, entering the wide rink.

"First you should warm  up."

Jason began to stretch his arms, defining every muscle from his shoulder to his wrists.

"The moves that I am planning on teaching you today require quite a bit of stretching."

I nodded in agreement and began to stretch out my legs, arms, and wrists. I tossed a few practice hits into a punching bag outside the ring, facing Jason shortly after.

Jason smiled and nodded at the ring, signaling me to enter. I watched Jason's muscular form closely as he faced a human-sized punching bag.

"Watch closely."

Jason winked before he took any form of movement. I nodded, keeping my eyes locked on him, waiting for him to take action.

I intently watched as he dropped to the floor and swiftly rolled towards the punching bag. His shoulders flexed and his hand barely grazed the ground, as he quickly returned to his feet. He then sent a strong kick into the bag.

I watched as it forcefully struck the wall, And Jason followed the kick with a storm of heavy punches. It was obvious that any normal person would have no chance against that routine of offense. The kick alone could knock someone out.

Pretty Little Fighter GirlWhere stories live. Discover now