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Chapter 9

A tendril of sunlight falls across my face through my partially closed curtains. I yawn and sit up from my bed, examining my arms for fresh bruises.

Even in my room I could smell my mother cooking breakfast from downstairs. It was an old habit she had for every Saturday.

A flashback of last night and meeting Lucas' family crossed my mind. I sighed at the thought of his brother, Simon.
Their family was facing a terrible issue that could result in the loss of their youngest child.

With another thought of my family, I stood. I need to try to mend the family I had lost. It was my fault we had been torn apart from each other anyways.

Normally on a Saturday my mother would leave a plate of breakfast for me, knowing that I wouldn't enter the room with them. It's complicated, but I don't want to hurt them by getting too close.

I took a deep breath as I descended the stairway and entered the kitchen. I failed at my attempts to be completely soundless and silent upon my entrance.

My father was reading the paper before work while my mother was in the middle of cooking pancakes.

As my presence became known, the room had gone completely silent, as if the pancakes had ceased to cook for a moment.

I sat at the counter alone, feeling my parents stare linger on my form.

After a few silent moments my father cleared his throat and read, at a loss of words. I had not joined them for breakfast in the morning since my kidnapping.

My mother spoke up with a small stutter."G-good morning Celeste."

She formed a soft smile and finished the last pancake. She hands me and my father a plate of breakfast, sitting next to me without a sound.

"Thank you."

My eyes met hers as I began to eat.

"Your welcome sweetheart."

She smiled and glanced at my grinning father, who was still behind the paper, trying to hide his surprised emotions.

     I finished my breakfast and quietly collected plates from both of my surprised parents. I felt bad that just a simple event of collecting my parents plates could cause this kind of shocked expression for them. If it says anything about how distant we really are, I could tell that it would take more than just simply opening up a little to get them back. Sighing, I left the room soon after.

   That was at least somewhat of a start to trying to mend my family. It would be hard to gettting them back, but after meeting Lucas' family my efforts were revived to at least try to get my parents back.

    After returning to the safety of my room, I began to research Simon's condition. The costs for the surgeries were highly priced, I understand why Lucas seemed so helpless. Leaning back against the wall I thought of a solution. I wish that I could try to help Lucas save Simon.


    I walked the halls of my school just like any other day.

Entering my class, I sat in my desk leaving a notebook out for today's lessons. I glanced at the doorway as Lucas entered and he smiled brightly in my direction. He sat in his desk beside me and eagerly turned to face me.

"How are ya?"

He smiled.

"Just fine."

I glanced in his direction, my eyes locking with his. "How are your injuries?"

"Like I said before, it's just a small scratch."

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