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Chapter 4

     Each day drags on endlessly for me. Some days pass quickly, while others seem to last for an eternity. The necessity to avoid people has surfaced within the time after my kidnapping. I've lost a lot of trust for human interaction and I tend to avoid people as much as possible.

If you happen to have a experience like mine, trying to avoid people in a high school can be very arduous for you. I'm getting so close to the end of my high school experience, yet senior year is taking its time.

I personally try to avoid people in school by blending in. Don't be seen, don't be heard. When people get the message that you don't want to talk to them, most of the time they will leave you alone.

I pulled the hood from my jacket over my head, while entering my school. No one can see one can see me...

It's the same routine everyday. I walk in, I hope that there is no social contact involved, and I get to class. I try to get things done efficiently, keep school simple, and avoid conversation. I haven't elaborated or even discussed my kidnapping to anyone (not even my parents) and I didn't intend to start now.

Most of the time I pay no attention to the world around me at all. I find it easier to zone everyone and everything out. It's the only thing I can truly say that I'm good at. Sometimes music helps, but most of the time the silence isn't bad.

I quickly made my way to my locker after entering the school. I had three days, including this one until it was the weekend. I would have to make it until then.

I listened for the bell that rang not long after I had shut my locker and I began to walk towards my class.

After a few steps of staring at my feet while walking, I collided with something.

A person.


Last time I checked I wasn't much of a people person. I stopped being social after my kidnapping...I glanced up in time to see a hand offering to help me up.

I stood without accepting the help and looked up to see the electrifying blue eyes of some kid in my grade. I've seen him around before and to be honest, I really didn't remember his name.

You forget people's names when you avoid human contact.

"Sorry." His deep voice spoke before I could register words to say.

I nodded at him, not really in the mood to speak. I just wanted to get to class and get out of school.

He stood between what I wanted.

Luckily my hood still remained over my head, although he had probably already seen my face anyway. Great way to blend in...

He smiled awkwardly, getting the point. He knew that I had no intentions of speaking to him - or anyone for that matter. He then stepped out of my way, motioning for me to walk by.

I half nodded and walked past him with a fast pace, not bothering to look back.

"Have a great day too!" He called to me sarcastically as I had walked down the hall.

I rolled my eyes and dreadfully continued on to my class, entering the room shortly after.
    That was a wonderful way to display my antisocial interaction with other humans, in front of a hallway full of people. It Definitely felt great.

It was definitely not my intent to act like a snobby mute, but It was imperative that I distance myself from social contact. I did what I had to do in order to get by.

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