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    I settled deeper into my desk, ignoring Lucas and staring intently at the clock. The bell rang in a screeching manner which signaled everyone to take their seats. I glanced towards the front of the room and noticed that the normal teacher was not present and a substitute took her place instead.

I fought the smile that threatened to grown on my face when I read the words, study hall, written in white chalk on the board. I could now zone out everyone for the rest of the period and I did not need to worry about writing notes or completing worksheets.

I returned my gaze to the clock, to pass time by staring at it. I slowly began to close my eyes, seeing no harm in a simple nap.

A finger tapped on my shoulder twice and I turned to Lucas with an annoyed expression written on my face.


He smiled.

I rose an eyebrow, not making any motion to speak.

"Um..." He pauses, " I just figured that it might be a good idea to introduce myself in person to you. You know, since everything..."

He trailed off, holding his hand out to me.

   I glared at it and accepted it after a painfully long stare-down, when I realized that he wasn't going to move his hand until I greeted him.

"We don't need to talk about it..." I mumbled, I glanced up at his electric blue eyes. "I'm Celeste."

   He nodded and grinned. "Pretty name."

    I nodded and fought the urge to turn away from him.

"'s your face? I'm sorry I hit you... If I would've known..." I stopped him there, his rambling was growing louder.

"You wouldn't have hit me," I softened my voice to avoid making a scene." I know, now knock it off. Don't talk about it..." I rolled my eyes and turned away. Please be quiet...

"Hey, sorry." He tapped me on my shoulder once more. "I just wanted to apologize..."

"It's fine. It's just, well, I - never mind."

"Why do you-" he pauses and turns his voice into a mere whisper.  "-fight?"

  "I have my own reasons, it's really not your business."

    Before he could respond, the bell sounded and took my worries away.  I storm from the room, not looking back into Lucas' confused eyes.



   I slammed my fists into the practice gear, exhaling as the bag rocked back forcefully.

    I repeat this routine over, not making any other moves. I'm not really feeling my usual adrenaline that fighting gives me and I'm lacking the energy to think.

   Jason notices my lack of enthusiasm and hands me my water bottle, resting his other hand on my shoulder.

"You alright C?"

   His eyes hold a hint of concern and he offers me a small smile.


   I wipe a thick layer of sweat from my forehead, nodding. "I just don't feel up to practice today."

He nods. "How about I walk you home and you get some rest. You will feel better tomorrow."

   I nod, calming my heavy breathing and taking a sip from the water bottle.

"Sounds like a good idea."

    Jason led me out of the building and walks beside me down the worn street.

Jason and I hadn't said much durning the walk, we both seemed to be in thought. Every step that I took added to my growing headache. Sometimes the silence is good.

Jason smiled awkwardly at the front of my house as he walked me to the door. His stray hair feel into his eyes, disheveled.

"Feel better C."

I mustered up a quick smile and nodded. "See you tomorrow Jason?"

"Yep." He nods curtly and grins. "Get some rest, okay?"

I wave at him as I turn to enter my house. I watch him leave the driveway before entering my room and collapsing on my back in my plush bed.

     I've been pushing myself too hard. I guess I need to take a break every once in a while. I drifted into sleep, three familiar faces lingering in the depths of my mind.

My kidnapper...his lean form stood among the shadows, waiting.

Jason... He took my hand and helped me from the ground.

   The face that surprised me most was Lucas. His bright, blue eyes were the last thing that I saw before darkness took over.


    I woke up just before dark, and grabbed a plate of warm dinner. I did not say a word to either of my parents. I don't want to hurt them. Avoidance may save them from my pain.

    After finishing my dinner, I worked on a few homework problems. I then headed to my room and lifted my silver laptop from the desk, sitting on the edge of my bed.

   With a sigh I went to the google search bar and typed in my name. I wasn't surprised to see the results.

A few newspaper articles popped up with the big words in bold, "GIRL GOES MISSING","RECENT KIDNAPPING OF LOCAL GIRL", "KIDNAPPER IS UNKNOWN", and "MISSING GIRL RETURNS!"

    Not one of the articles had the entire story, only my kidnapper and I know what happened.

I read into an article reading the words;

"Local girl goes missing after a late night interference with one other unknown being. The full story is unknown. The girl had returned nearly a week later, after many search crews were called off the case. Her injuries resulted in multiple bruises. Our interviewing team had tried speaking to the family members of the girl, and were unsuccessful in getting information. The girl-"

   I slammed the laptop shut, a single tear sliding down my cheek at the memory of my kidnapping. My eyes jammed shut and a shiver ran down my spine, the lights on the roadside returning to my memory.

   I remember the fearful feeling and my increased heartbeat I had as the shadowed silhouette of a man followed closely.

   I remembered my scream. I remembered my fear.

My hand shook as I placed the computer onto my nightstand, pulling the covers over my shoulders.

I suppressed the shiver of fear that rang throughout my memories and I shut my eyes, drifting into the dark shadows of my mind.


Hey readers!

   My apologies for the short chapter and long delay.

1.1k reads?!? Thank-you! Thank-you!!! THANK-YOU !!!

I've had a lil' writers block on the side, so it's taken me a while to write this small chapter.

   Song requests for chapters? Comment them, I'd love to learn about your favorite music!

Please comment, vote, and read to get my attention if I don't update in a while.

Thank you so much! Happy reading!

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