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Lucas POV

Soon after Celeste and I arrive back at the campsite, the sky fell into a sea of darkness and constellations. The Stars covered the sky perfectly as if they were freckles, their beauty stealing Celeste's gaze away from me.

I sat beside Celeste in front of the soft, orange glow of the fire. For awhile the silence took over between us, my parents and Simon had already left for bed in the tents.

The only sounds that filled the distance between the two of us, was the quiet cackles of burning wood in the fire and the silent melody of nature around us. Our eyes finally caught each other's after an eternity of silence. Her eyes held a secret sorrow and a deepened fear behind her curtain of strength. She was reserved and distant from reality, running from her past. She locked away her pain to hide whatever horrors it was, that she had endured when she was kidnapped.

Celeste is special.

It's hard to see someone that is so beautiful and strong, become a whole different person after her kidnapping.

A year ago I remembered who she had been. I had memorized the soft echoes of her laughter and her voice. Her personality shone with happiness as she wandered the halls of school, spoke with friends, or attended parties.

My mind wandered more, remembering the party she had attended the night she was kidnapped. It took place just after summer break had begun and was held at one of the football player's homes.

I attended the party in hopes of getting a chance to speak to her. I hoped that I was able to over come my fear of her rejecting me in hope of getting to know her.

Everyone knew who Celeste was, she was kind to everyone and knew how to brighten anyone's day with a smile.

I sat in the corner of the room, drinking soda from a red solo cup in my hand. I froze as she and her friends entered the room. As if the atmosphere had changed, people began to dance faster to the rhythm of the music. I tried to keep watch over the girl who danced along with the music in the center of the room.

I sighed as she held hands with another guy in the center, dancing to the music with him.

My trance was broken as a friend of mine placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Go talk to her Lucas." Sam turned to me and held back a laugh, " You're starting to act like a lovesick puppy."

I shook my head and smiled.

"It's not that easy Sam, I can't just talk to her. She doesn't even know me..."

Sam smiles and takes a seat beside me.

"She sure is something..."

I nod slowly. "I think I like her too much."

Sam laughs, "You are lovesick!"

I turned my attention back on her, dancing freely in the room. If I would've known that she was going to be kidnapped later that night, I would've been more courageous and spoken to her.

Maybe I could've walked her home, maybe she would still be the girl she was a year ago, without the fear that haunts her.

After word got out that Celeste had been kidnapped I had thought that I had lost my chance with her. Everyone was devastated with her disappearance.

That whole week that she was gone, I though over and over again about how things could've been different. When she returned, I couldn't have been more thankful and happy. I had a second chance, or so I thought.

The entire school was briefed on the situation and we were told to give Celeste space. They told us that she was different and needed room to recover.

I noticed this too, when she first walked through the school doors that year. She no longer talked or smiled. She kept to herself and sat alone.

She even pushed away her friendships.

Celeste was gone.

    Her voice had changed. Her laughter was gone.

   Celeste looked at everyone in fear. It pained everyone to see that the girl who could make everyone happy with a single smile was gone from sight forever.

    Celeste's eyes held this light that sparkled like stars when your eyes would meet hers. Her eyes don't hold that sparkle anymore, even though they are still beautiful.

    Tonight I saw a fragment of the girl I had first fallen for. She was still there, lost in those deep, blue eyes. Those eyes I had grown to love, even with those secrets they hold.

   Those eyes that sparkled again tonight.

   She blinks and glances away, our small moment of eternity is broken and my thoughts return to the present.

   Her voice pulls me into reality.

    "Hey, Lucas?"

   She pulls a strand of hair behind her ear and her eyes meet mine once more. I answer her, thankful for the opportunity to hear her voice.

   " Yeah?"

  She smiles, sending a feeling of longing throughout my mind. 

    "Thank you for bringing me along." She stares towards the sky, her eyes leaving mine. "This is amazing..."

   I send her a genuine smile before speaking again.

  "No need to thank me..." Her eyes find mine, " I'm just happy that you're here."

She smiles softly and stares back into the glow of the fire. Our shoulders touch as we draw closer together.

Never has one moment of silence been so euphoric in a moment of my life.

Her head slowly falls across my shoulder with time and her breath slows as she drifts into sleep. In that moment, one thing is made clear in my mind.

I care about Celeste and I don't care what I have to do in order to keep that light alive in her eyes. It was in that fragment of time that I knew that I would protect her, whatever the cost would be.

I think I love her.


Hey readers!

   How was this chapter? I couldn't wait to finally put a chapter of the story in Lucas' POV.

     He seems to like Celeste more than she realizes...

   Sorry for the delays in updates, I'll try to post again soon!

    Thank you! Happy reading!

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