Chapter 17- FIGHT TO FALL

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My head was throbbing. Light shone into my eyes and a faint ringing noise filled my ears. I deepened my breaths and pain overtook me.

I started to sit up but was stopped by Jason. I then remembered the fight and how I had lost the last one, after getting hit in the face by my opponent.

Where am I? I scanned the room noticing dark colored, scarlet walls. This must be a Jason's house...

How bad did I get hit?

   "Hey C..."

   Jason speaks softly, aware of my increasing headache.

"Hey..." I glanced from Jason to the pale ceiling. "Where's Lucas?"

Jason pointed to the opposite side of the bed, where Lucas lays across a small couch. I nodded softly and my curiosity increased.

"What happened after the fight?"

   I winced as a wave of pain rolled across my head.

Jason smiled, "Well, you got knocked out pretty good, so that last round was considered a loss. Lucas and I decided to take you to my place to fix you up because I know how you really hate hospitals-"

"Her parents would probably flip out if they saw her like that..." Lucas now spoke, still laying on the couch. It wouldn't be the first time I've come home with injuries, yet Lucas was right...I didn't need to put them them through that.

Jason nodded, "We decided my place would be best for now."

I smiled lightly, not for more than a brief second before my head throbbed in pain. "Thanks, you two really are the best."

"Of course we are!" Lucas whisper-yelled from the couch.

Jason smiled and sat at the edge of the bed. "You may have had a small concussion earlier so it might be best to just relax for now."

"Besides, I've already talked to your parents, they think that your staying at my house with a few old friends."

  Lucas spoke in a happy tone, locking eyes with mine.

"She didn't have a heart attack when you told her this?"

   My mother was always hopeful that her old daughter would just return out of the blue.

Lucas shook his head,"Nope. She seemed really happy about it though."

I nodded, "thanks."

   Jason smiled and turned to the tv in the room. "Want to watch a movie?"

   Lucas glanced expectantly from across the room. I gave in and nodded, sitting up.

    The three of us piled onto the couch after Jason put a movie into the tv. It was a comedy that had the three of us laughing softly.

    I shifted my weight on the couch, trying to relief the cramp in my leg, accidentally grazing Lucas' hand. Sparks danced across my skin and I was reminded of the close proximity between us.

    I focused on the movie, noticing that the time was late. My eyes felt heavier with each passing minute and I felt myself drifting off.

    Jason and Lucas continued to laugh along with the movie as I fell into the depths of my mind.


I felt myself start to awaken to reality some time after I had drifted to sleep.

    I kept my eyes closed, noticing that my head was rested on someone's shoulder and my legs were resting on someone else.

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