Chapter 20-HOLIDAY

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Lucas was ten minutes early.

I was just finished packing three days worth of clothing and blankets for the camping trip when I had heard his voice downstairs. My mother was talking to him, yet I couldn't tell what their conversation was about, due to the muffled voices.

   I took a couple more minutes to change into a new pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I then quickly braided back my hair, grabbing my bag and jogging down the stairs. If I waited any longer, they might never stop talking...

   Lucas smiled as I entered the room, halting the conversation with my mother. She grinned as well and turned back towards Lucas.

   "You two go have fun this weekend! Stay safe and wear bug spray!"

   She smiled excitedly while ushering the two of us out of the house, as if I would change my mind last minute.

    Lucas scratched the back of his head awkwardly as my mom shut the door. I noticed that his family was waiting for us in the car.

    "We should get going..." Lucas stated.


    I pulled the bag over my shoulder and followed Lucas to the car.

Lucas' father was driving, his mother riding shotgun. Simon sat near the window, Lucas In the center, which had left me sitting near the opposite window. The row of seats in the back was filled with camping supplies.

Lucas' arm brushed against mine as he buckled his seat belt, the seating was close together due to the surplus for sleeping bags around the car.

Simon peeked around Lucas with a smile. "Hi Celeste!"

"Hi Simon!" I smiled back at him.

Simon smiled and leaned back in his seat. Lucas grinned gently and ruffled Simon's hair. He then turned in my direction, just as his father drove off.

"So...are you ready for a small road trip?" Lucas' light colored eyes locked with mine.

I paused, as if to think. " I can't change my mind now, so I guess so."

Lucas rolled his eyes dramatically. "Trust me, you will have fun!"

Simon peeked around the seat again. " Can we play a game? I'm bored..."

Lucas gazed at me with a look of horror on his face. I wasn't sure why, at first...Yet, 47 rounds of eye spy and an hour later had given me the same look of horror.

Lucas' father finally turned into a small diner, stopping for an early snack and a small break. The campsite was only another half hour away but Simon requested a quick bathroom break.

The diner was nice and small, with the sweet scent of pastries that lingered in the air. Lucas took a seat next to me on a bar stool. The waitress approached us with a smile.

"What can I get ya'll?"

Lucas grinned and ordered two root beer floats. With another smile, the waitress turned to retrieve the cold drinks.

"This place has the best root beer floats!" he paused, " Simon has this road memorized and requests to stop here every year."

I smiled and laughed softly, "He's a smart kid."

The waitress then placed two tall glasses of root beer floats in front of us, each of them having a neon bendable straw in them.

"Thank you!"

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