Chapter three : On the plane

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Lily noticed Gajeel staring at Levy and smirked.

"Please fasten your seat belts we are taking off now."

Meanwhile at Lucy and Natsu's seats...

"If you don't stop asking me questions I won't cook you anything at the resort."

Natsu and Happy nodded "Aye Sir!"

Lucy sighed happily and watched the movie those two idiots kept on asking her stupid questions about the movie like 'I don't get it the literal heart of Jesus?' and 'What's a metaphor?' Lucy watched as Augustus drove Hazel to his house she laughed at how bad he was.

The plane was on the runway and they took of up into the air. Lucy hated to admit but she had been on planes before when she was younger with her father and she didn't like it at all. Lucy sucked in a breath and squeezed her eyes shut. 

She never enjoyed flying, her father who was of course a famous rich man had lots of business trips to do and she could not be left alone in a mansion even with the servants. So she was forced to go with him but the fly up terrified her, that sinking feelings in her stomach as you set off. Each time she had to go on a plane she was in a comforting seat but curled in a ball crying while her father was in the chair across doing work. As much as she missed him as a child he didn't treat her right, he didn't comfort her when she was so scared.

And now here she was on a plane again- honestly she didn't want to do this but she couldn't miss out on something like this now could she? So she would go through with it to get it over and done with, she tightened her grip on the arm of the chair.


Natsu tapped her shoulder but she curled up into a ball, the plane was ascending and her stomach was descending. "You don't like flying do you?"

Lucy shook her head and sniffed.

"Well you must have been on plane's before didn't someone help you?" Natsu asked.

Lucy shook her head "no I just did this." 

Natsu was shocked he knew her dad was bad but he didn't even calm her down? Lucy began hyperventilating as the plane kept going up further. "Lucy calm down." 

Lucy was breathing harder. Her head was pounding, the sound of the engines running and the beeping noises in the plane and the sound of Natsu asking her name. It was all hurting her head and her throat was becoming dry- she couldn't do this!

Natsu wrapped his arms around her and tried to calm her down "it's fine don't worry." Natsu stroked her hair and she nuzzled her head into his chest "thank you" she whispered. Lucy grabbed onto his shirt.

She had to admit she felt a little better, the smell of his shirt and the warmth radiating off of him made her feel at peace with her feat. They stayed together like that for another five minutes until the plane stopped going higher and just went forwards. Lucy moved away from Natsu and smiled "thank you I just hate take off on plane's."

"It's fine," he folded his arms behind his head leaning back "you're okay though?"

Lucy sniffed she was still shaking she looked out at the window seeing how high up they were "yeah I'm fine now." She lied.

"No you're not."

"Okay so maybe I don't like flying altogether."

Natsu grabbed her hand and held onto it Lucy blushed his hand was nice and warm she stopped shaking and smiled "thanks." And that fear of flying, the terrifying worry of the plane crashing and the height making her nauseous just washed away.

Happy smiled evilly "she likessss h-"


Meanwhile in Gray and Juvia's seats...

Juvia was excited to watch the movie she had read the book so she was just giddy watching it, it was a beautifully tragic book. She was playing it 'cool' as Mirajane had said to her- Mirajane did ask to try drop the 'sama' but there was no way she could drop that. 

Gray stared at Juvia. He was confused because for once she wasn't staring him she was just watching the movie. Well Gray would be surprised if she could keep it up for 3 hours. Gray never really looked at Juvia properly he just knew her as the crazy psycho- no that was a lie. When they first met and she first joined Fairy Tail she was insane- but they had been through a lot and she was not crazy. He would never think that, she just had strong feelings and he was thankful for that. With those feelings she managed to let Silver rest in peace and he was grateful for that.

But he still didn't eat the weekly 'Gray bun's' she made for him.

But he actually liked looking at her how she smiled at the literal heart of Jesus and laughing out loud at the guy's driving skills.  And before he even realized it he was smiling slightly at her, was Mirajane doing something to him...

Juvia turned around and looked at Gray "are you alright?"

Gray snapped out of his day dreaming "oh yeah I'm fine it's just you're never normally so calm."

Juvia nodded "Juvia has been looking forward to the movie, so Juvia wants to enjoy it." Juvia smiled. Mirajane suggested to stop talking in past tense- but it was too hard for her and she didn't want to change herself completely for Gray. Even if she wanted him to accept her love she did not want him to do so with a different Juvia.

"Oh right well you seem nice this way." Gray scratched his head.

Juvia smiled trying not to explode her Gray-sama said that! Juvia kept her cool and remembered Mira's advice "Thanks Gray-sama, Juvia won't be a bother."

Gray smiled "you know I wouldn't call you a bother at all, I'm just saying you're nice like this." He didn't mind her bothering, he wouldn't even want to call it bothering that was too harsh for Juvia. She just gave him a lot of... attention. 

An object flew towards them, Gray noticing the red thing being throw a few rows ahead by the salmon haired moron. He raised his arm and caught the object realizing it was a packet of skittles, he was a sucker for skittles. "Want some?" Gray offered to Juvia.

Juvia smiled "you take them Juvia doesn't mind."

"How about we just share?"

"Oh alright." Juvia smiled warmly.

Gray teared open the skittles "the blue ones are my favourite."

"Mine too!"

They grinned and reached in the packet hands touching Juvia blushed and she looked at Gray and almost fainted he had the smallest tinge of red on his cheeks. Juvia took a skittle a popped it in her mouth.

They both watched the movie munching happily on skittles.

There you have chapter three! I hope you liked it!

This is me currently editing this after about a year... So if you go to the next chapter and Juvia is talking with 'I' and all that when I have the time I'll be changing that to how she really talks, but I edit a chapter every day or so. So try not to be confused!

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Fairy Tail Adventure Resort (Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza, Gajevy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu