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Interview 3 with
The View

" did you become this young talented and inspirational model? At what point did something click and you knew that what people were saying about you wasn't true?" Whoopi Goldberg asked.

"It took me a long time to see how beautiful I was. Even at 17, I still thought I was hideous to some degree. I had the lowest confidence ever at that point and I missed a lot of opportunities. Even my dream of...becoming a model...was diminishing. Until one day...I got my eyebrows done with my friend and saw just how much that changed my appearance. I realized that I needed to take better care of myself, to be a girly girl if I wanted to be seen as one"

5 years later
October 2nd, 2023
5th Street Station, Metro Blue Line
Long Beach, CA

     Completely out of breath, Arielle finally made it to 5th street station from her father's house in East Village. A lot has changed over the years for her, one being that her parents were now divorced and living in separate neighborhoods of the city. It took a toll on both her and her sister Jasmine over the years but it was getting better. The girls lived with their mother majority of the time in California Heights but every once in awhile, they'll spend a day or two with their father and his new family.

      Still your typical loner from middle school, Arielle's social life didn't improve drastically throughout high school either. She was still known as the invisible Arielle Lewis that read books for fun and didn't catch the eye of anyone. You can say her social life slightly improved though, she atleast had one good friend now by the name Shanice Walker. They met freshman year and have been close ever since. Being friends with Shanice was like being friends with Jasmine, they favored each other so much by their love of makeup and clothes, and their infamous reputation with the boys. She wasn't a hoe or anything but she's had a couple flings already while Arielle's boy count still faithfully remained at zero.

      The young 17 year old Lewis didn't get caught up in those types of activities though, and with a boy count of still zero...she never had a chance to. Like any other young woman her age, she yearned to have that high school sweetheart and to at least give her purity to someone who deserve it. Nowadays, the generation was overflowing with no good niggas and it was quite rare to find someone genuine.

      Dismissing her thoughts, Arielle decided pull out her favorite copy of S.E Hinton's The Outsiders to pass the time. Reading books was her sex as corny as it sounds. Before she could even find the bookmark where she left off, the metro blue line roared past into a stop. Once the doors to the train opened and passengers came out, her and a horde of people all crammed inside before the doors could close again.

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