chapter thirty three

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) changed and walked out, "sorry Luxy, I had to tease you."
Luxembourg sighed as his girlfriend smiled at him, "I kind of deserved it hm?"
"A bit~", The female chimed and hugged the Dane, "Good morning storebroder!"
"It's noon.", the Dane corrected, "I guess you really are having trouble with sleep."
"I've slept that long?", (y/n) asked and Denmark nodded.
"We can get you some lunch, we're going for a walk around town today.", The blond man grinned, "nice outfit."
The silver haired female had on the dress she got with Denmark, a pale seafoam green color with shell embellishments.
(Y/n) smiled up to the Dane and followed him to the others.
Norway was quick to go check on her, "Finland told me what happened last night. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.", (y/n) smiled, "I promise."
"You went to see a dark magic user.", Norway spoke a bit frustrated, "he could have hurt you."
"He did not and I trust him.", the female replied, "Even if he is Loki's ally"
"Just be careful.", The Norwegian sighed.
Sweden was standing at the door, "Lillasystir. Sealand is coming to stay with us for a bit."
Finland smiled, "I think he'll like to have someone new to play with."
The silver haired Scandinavian shuddered when Finland said play.
"Sorry.", Finland apologized, "I forgot what you went through."
"It's okay"

Iceland looked a little impatient as he waited with Mr. Puffin perched on his shoulder, "let's go."
The silver haired female walked hand in hand with her boyfriend through the streets, the small group looked around as Denmark explained what was going on.
"It's the anniversary of you meeting us and getting adopted by us. I wanted to celebrate.", The Dane grinned.
"You wanted another excuse to get drunk.", Norway cut in and some laughter rippled through the group.
The silver haired female was giggling as well, she had her stave made into a parasol to shade her from the harsh sun.
Luxembourg smiled warmly, "so where first?"
"Somewhere fun!", Denmark exclaimed and led the group away.


Magnus had split off from his brothers for the day, he needed this day of rest.
His brothers had been running him ragged, they were so annoying.
The large man sipped from his coffee, it was pretty peaceful in the coffee shop he chose.
Nobody really bothered him since he was so scary, he was pretty happy with his time there.
Except he wanted his sister there with him, the young lady would have loved this shop for the sweets.
The large Dane looked out the window and was greeted to the sight of silky silver hair, a parasol covered the person from the sun.
Next to her was a young man with light brunet hair, magnus could tell it was Luxembourg.

So that means he was looking at his darling sister.
The Dane smiled a bit when she turned around and smooshed her face to the window to look at the sweets inside, how adorable she was.
Magnus watched her talk to the Luxembourgish male, they were joined by the 1p nordics.
(Y/n) giggled as Denmark spoke to her, the light Dane continued to speak to the female.
Magnus had to keep himself under control as Denmark and Luxembourg spoke to the giggling female.
Norway cut in and led them away to somewhere else, magnus paid for his coffee and followed.
The large Dane followed them through the day and hid himself in the crowds, he watched them from a distance.
He followed them to a restaurant.

(Y/n) got chills and looked around, Luxembourg took notice.
"What's wrong?", The male asked.
"I feel like we're being watched.", the silver haired female said and looked down.
"If we are, it's because you're so beautiful.", the Luxembourgish man said and kissed the Scandinavian on her head.
The female's cheeks bloomed pink and she took a sip of her drink.
"Hey, watch what you're doing.", a slightly drunk Dane said ad pointed at Luxembourg, "she's not yours just yet."
The silver haired female was excited as the food came in and Mr. Puffin started plucking fish from everyone's plates.
They ate and left for the airport.
Magnus followed to watch his sister.

A small blond boy with blue eyes and bushy eyebrows got off the plane with england.
The boy ran to Finland and hugged him, "Finland!"
The Finn hugged the boy back, "Sealand, it is good to see you again."
The boy was happy and looked over to (y/n), "who is this?"
England sighed, "her name is (y/n), she is Denmark's sister."
Sealand hugged her neck tightly after she kneeled down to hug him.

"I'm Finland's favorite, don't try to steal him from me."

(Y/n) was surprised by the maliciousness in the boy's tone to her.
He let go and hugged Sweden, Luxembourg patted her back.
"Are you okay?", the man asked.
"Ja. Just fine.", the silver haired female said with a smile.
Luxembourg saw her face, she had lied. Probably to make him feel better.
The family went home afterwards.
Magnus followed them to the home and called Loki, "Hej Loki. I found it."

The next few days were rough for (y/n), she would trip on some toys left out or would get nicked my some dishes as she washed them.
She sighed as she exited her room during the night of not sleeping well again.
She did not see the strategically placed toy in front of her room, her foot landed on the toy and she tumbled over.
She rolled down the stairs as well.
The loud thuds woke up most of the house, Denmark looked down to see his sister laying still on the ground at the bottom of the stairs.
He ran down the stairs and noticed the smell of iron from a step, she had hit her head.

The Dane got to her and turned on the light, blood was oozing from the wound on her head.
Finland came down quickly and Sealand took the toy into his room before they could see.
"(Y/n)? Can you hear me?", The Finn asked and patted her cheek.
She felt cold, pale, still.
Finland quickly got the bleeding to stop and stitched up the wound, he carried her to the couch next to a lamp to see better.
(Y/n)'s eyes opened but did not focus on anything before closing again, "what could have caused this?"
Denmark shook his head, "Any number of things, but we can rule out her brothers. They would not want to harm her from what we've seen."

Luxembourg came and checked on his girlfriend, he became worried as he saw her pale skin almost pure white.
Finland began to clean the blood up, "I don't know what effect will happen from this. But be prepared for the worst"
the Luxembourgish male nodded, "I will."
The male stayed with the silver haired female as she lay almost perfectly still.
Denmark and Finland stayed as long as they could before going to bed.
Norway came in to check on her, as did Sweden and Iceland.
(Y/n) never moved from her spot, her eyes only opened and closed some times.

Breakfast was quiet and grim, Sealand tried to make conversation that Finland politely smiled and responded to.
Mr. Puffin sat on the female's chest as she lay there.
Luxembourg walked back to check her every few minutes.
She never moved.
Norway was getting worried, as was everyone else.

It was decided, they took her to the hospital and checked her in.
The doctors spoke to the males quietly as Sealand watched her be wheeled off on a bed, a small pain of regret hit him.
Denmark sat down and gripped his head, "how? Why?"
Norway patted his brother's back, Iceland went outside to process it alone.
Finland was thinking everything over, he was looking for any reason reason why it would happen.
Sure (y/n) had not been sleeping well and she was brushing off injuries as being tired, she was careful though.
Sweden was watching Sealand, the man quieter and more intense than usual.

A nurse came back, "we did a full check, we noticed an injury to her ankle. Probably sign of a sudden trip that caused her to fall."
Sealand was getting antsy as the nurse spoke, he wanted to admit it was his fault.
"We Don know when she will wake.", the nurse spoke, "she has multiple traumas. She might never wake. And if she does who knows if she will be the same or independent at all."
Luxembourg looked down as the nurse spoke, tears brimmed in his eyes.
"We need to watch her. Come back tomorrow or in a few days to see if her condition has changed.", the nurse spoke, "I'm sorry we can't do more at this time."

Sealand looked into the room, the woman was hooked up to all kinds of machines.
She looked like a doll, a porcelain or glass doll.
Her face serene in the state she was in.
The boy remembered that she never told on him and blamed herself, she was gentle. Kind.
Undeserving of what he did.
He went home with the men and stood rigid in the doorway.
"Sealand? Aren't you coming?", Finland asked as the boy started crying, "Sealand?"
"It's my fault! I did it, I made her fall because I was jealous!", the boy admitted.
Everyone was silent.
"Go to your room. Now.", Finland said with a hard tone, "I will talk to you later."


Magnus walked to the hospital after he saw the nordics take his sister there earlier, he walked to the desk.
"I'm here to see a patient.", He said.
"Last name.", the receptionist asked.
"Køhler", the Dane replied.
He was shown to the room and sat next to the female, he held her small hand in his large calloused one.
Her eyes fluttered open for a moment, her eyes met his.
The same look she had as a baby.
"Lillesøster, I will protect you.", the man spoke.

"I swear."

Stop following me. (second spinoff of never leave you alone)Where stories live. Discover now