Chapter 17

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"There has to be another way!" I yelled out in fear. "I'm sorry Kazumi but there isn't." Great now I'm screwed. I began to think of ways that I could learn to swim quickly. I snapped my fingers I hope this works. I'll empower chakra to the learning senses in my brain enhancing how quick it learns then when the others jump in and swim I'll watch them and easily pick up the idea, the only downfall is that I have to continually pour chakra into my head and it's a test so I don't know if it will work.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head. Idate had to argue about ninja stuff and I just yelled out. "Idate leave now!!" and of course he carried on which ended up getting Sakura sliced on the shoulder by a kunai. "IDATE LEAVE NOW OR I"LL FORCE YOU!!" I yelled again. He nodded his head and jumped. I watched how he swam and I learned it. We all jumped in and began to swim I'm thankful this worked but I'm slower than the others so I was in the back. We stopped swimming and began to discuss something I don't know what it was cause I zoned out.

Then Naruto went under. I gasped and went under the water I looked to see the same ninja I remember they used water clones so they must be very skilled underwater wow great just my luck. More clones continued to come at us dragging us down.  I'm running out of breath this isn't good. I then see a giant whirlpool which made my eyes go wide. I can't swim out of this. 

and the more I'm under here the more I run out of breath. I need to try I tried to swim up but failed and ended up sinking under the water more. Come on I need to get back up there. I tried again but continued to go under the water more. I guess I can't great. My eyes began to get hazy until I close them completely and passed out.

"Wake up Kazumi c'mon wake up" I continued to hear a faint voice until I open my eyes to see Naruto try to do mouth to mouth. I simply put my hand in front of his face and cough up water. I then fell back down exhausted. "I hate this mission," I said allowed. "Naruto please don't take this in a rude way but mouth to mouth won't work. It's when you pump the heart that works as long as you continue to pump blood to the brain and other vessels than that person will wake up unless if their heart stops completely then you need real medical attention so just keep that in your head pump the heart not mouth to mouth." I said kindly.

He nodded his head and I stood up. "We need to get going we've already wasted enough time," I said. We ran to where we heard some sort of fighting then I smirked might as well make a grand entrance. I jumped into the air and came down kicking the guy in his face sending him flying. "That felt awesome!" I yelled out. I turned my head to Idate who looked to beaten up to do anything. I ran over to him and examined his wounds.

We then felt a strong and powerful wind. I looked up to see he had poison senbon. I did hand signs. "Light style, crimson blood forcefield jutsu!" I yelled and a giant blood shield surrounded all of us. That took a lot of chakra out of my system. The shield deflected the senbon so I lowered the shield. But he threw more needles at us. I gasped as I felt them impale my skin. He then disappeared. 

I pulled out the needles. "Here guys take this," Sakura said handing us some pills. I took one then grabbed Idate and wrapped his arm around my neck. "We need to get him somewhere warm if he stays out here like this he could get hypothermia and die," I said plainly. They all nodded and we found a cave. We made a fire and he woke up. Then Idate began his story I listened to some of it here and there but zoned out of the most of it. Until I heard these words. "I'll never be of any use to anyone." I shot my head up and looked at him.

The Darkest Sorrows (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ