Chapter 15

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Hikari was now as tall as the other summonings. "What's wrong my lady?" He asked. "We're after the snake, Orochimaru, and Kabuto," I said. "Understood," He said and got in a fighting stance. The huge snake went after Tsunade's slug and wrapped around her. "You ready for this Hikari?" I said confidently. "Of course this will be a piece of cake." He said. "Light style, crystal cage." A cage surrounded the snakes head and the crystal sphere broke into sharp shards of glass cutting through the snakes head. "You're full of surprises Hikari," I said.

"You have no idea," He responded smirking. The slug made miniature versions of itself. and reformed then Pervy sage used a fire jutsu on the snake but it just shed its skin. It then came from underground and attacked Jiraiya but Tsunade came down with the sword and cut through his head. Then Orochimaru shot his tongue out and wrapped it around Tsunade's neck. Hikari then bit his tongue piercing through it and the grip on her was lost. "That was gross but good work," I said.

Lady Tsunade continued to hit him over and over for what seemed like hours. The snake disappeared. But Orochimaru was still standing. "Impossible!" Orochimaru and Kabuto both disappeared and I sighed. "Thank you for all your help Hikari," I said petting him. "Anytime my lady." And he poofed away. We all walked over to Naruto and I smiled at him. "It's amazing how he was able to survive this," I said letting a tear stream down my face. I hope his limit never ends.

                                                                        (TIME SKIP)

We ended up in a bar and Naruto finds out she's the fifth Hokage. "Isn't the Hokage supposed to be sweet and kind. She's mean and greedy not to mention she has a nasty temper and she's not all that smart. I mean nothing personal but this is a big a job and I don't think she's up to it." Naruto said. I facepalmed and sighed. "Naruto you are something else," I said smiling at him. He gave me a weird look which made me chuckle. "Do you want to take this outside kid!?" Tsunade yelled. 

and of course they took it outside and Deja Vu happened. We all took a step back and Naruto went after her. But she got to him first and...kissed his forehead. I chuckled. "Hey Naruto you got yourself a lady," I said mockingly. He growled at me and me and Jiraiya laughed. Well, he sure is something. 

"WE'RE GOING TO THE HOT SPRINGS!?" I yelled. They all nodded except Naruto. "I just want to sleep in my own bed," I said complaining. "I'm going to grab something to eat then going to the hotel and sleep," I said to Naruto. so I went to a stand and got some ramen. I paid the cooker and went to the hotel. "Now I can sleep," I said and easily fell asleep. I was woken up shortly after by Naruto saying that we're going to leave now. I nodded my head and we all left.

We arrived in Konoha shortly after we left and I stuck around with Naruto so that we could get Lady Tsunade to heal our friends. We bumped into Konohamru and I smiled. "Hey, Konohamaru how's it going?" I asked. He ran up and hugged me. I gasped but then lifted him up in the air and spun him then hugged him. "Well, it's nice to see you too," I said. "Hey, have you seen an old lady with blonde hair come through here. Well, she doesn't look old but she really is." Naruto said I chuckled.

"I sure have who is she anyway?" Konohamaru asked. "It's a long story but she's the fifth Hokage," I said. He looked down "You're lying!" He yelled and ran down the stairs. "Umm ok?" I asked. We waited outside and saw Lady Tsunade. "Lady Tsunade wait haven't you forgotten something?" I asked. She gave me a confused look. "You need to heal our friends and sensei," I said.

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