Chapter 5

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We all walked through the doors and were assigned seats. I sat down and listened to the directions. They put a piece of paper down in front of us and we had a specific amount of time to get it done. If we did not finish in time the whole team fails. We couldn't cheat at all. If they caught us cheating three times they would have to send the whole team out and try again next year.

I looked through the problems and stared at them wide-eyed. These problems are not at a genin level, the genin would have to cheat to even get one of these questions right. I sighed and did hand signs under the table. Light style, knowledge obtainer. I sad those words in my head. I haven't used this jutsu to often.

I smiled when I felt something pulse through my head. The jutsu worked. I wrote down the answers and set my pencil down. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes till I looked around and saw my team. Sakura looked like she was on a roll with the answers. Sasuke had a straight face on, writing here and there.

I then turned to face Naruto who was sweating bullets. He was the one I was worried about the most, he's not the brightest mind on the team but he's still smart. I know his heart he will refuse to cheat but he doesn't know the answers so he's just going to sit there and do nothing. I then heard the bell ring and I focused my attention on Ibiki. I zoned out after he tried to get us to leave so I just ignored until I heard the words 'you pass.'

I smiled when I heard those words. I looked towards my team and they all looked back at me with a happy expression on their face. Then I heard a crash and I turned my head to see a girl jump through the window. I rolled my eyes, wow way to make a big entrance. I again ignored all the unimportant stuff and once we had to leave we left.

I stretched as I was walking home with my team."We should all train for tomorrow, it's not called the forest of death for no reason." Naruto said shuddering a little bit. I rolled my eyes. "You guys can go ahead and train, I trained all day yesterday so I don't need it," I said not even bothering to look at my team.

"Why did you practice all day yesterday?" Sakura asked. "Cause I was so bored and there was nothing to do so I need something to make time fly and now I'm already prepared for the next exam," I said as I was about to separate from my team. "Well I'm heading home see you guy's later," I said as I began to walk to my home. 

I didn't get very far until Someone grabbed my hand. I turned and saw Gaara there. My eyes widened in shock. "Gaara what...what are you doing here?" I asked in shock. "I wanted to hear your story." He said. My eyes widened more. He wanted to hear my story? Why? "Hey what are you doing?" I heard a voice behind Gaara and I saw Sasuke.

I looked at Sasuke then I looked how Gaara was holding my hand and my eyes widened. Oh no. "Uh, Sasuke it's not what it looks like," I said rubbing the back f my hand and sweatdropping. He glared at Gaara almost as much and he glare's at Naruto. I then saw sand rise in front of Sasuke. "Gaara stop!" I said getting in front of Sasuke.

He looked at me and dropped the sand. "Sasuke is my friend," I said looking at Gaara with an intense stare. I then turned to face Sasuke. "Sasuke don't worry I'm just here to help Gaara nothing else," I said giving him a smile. His expression didn't change and he continued to glare.

I then leaned closer to his face and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you later," I said and left a slightly surprised Sasuke. I brought Gaara to my apartment and made some food. "Here eat up," I said handing him some rice. He looked at me slightly surprised but took the food none the less. I sat down on the couch next to him and stared at the ceiling. "What is it that you want to know?" I asked turning my attention towards him.

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