Chapter 13: faults

Start from the beginning

"When will he be back than?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

Great that explains a lot Kim. Thanks.

Actually that gives me an idea.


And done.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I just covered all the food, so when he comes I'll heat it up."

"No not that, I meant where are you going?"

"Oh since I have time and I've done everything, I'll might as well meet my family."

I proceeded towards the door but he stopped me with one of his arm sticking out.

He's so bodyguard material.

"You can't leave the mansion".
He warned.

"Oh come on, I'll be back soon".
I tried to proceed further but he came in my way.

"You're not allowed."
He warned again.

"But I really want to see my family, I want to know if they're ok or not."

"You're not allowed". He kept coming in my way.

That's it. Plan b.

*sniff, sniff*


"You know, I thought you would understand me you know. Your sir wouldn't let me go. I really want to see my family, I want to know if they're ok. I'm really concerned about my brother's eduction, how my mother is coping with her cooking skills and how my dad is coping with her cooking skills and how my brother is coping with both of them arguing. *sob* please let me go. They need me or else they'll all die starving. Oh please oh please oh please". I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back and forth while fake crying.

"Oh please Kim!!!" I fake cried.

"Ok! ok, be back soon before he arrives. Jesus". He fixed his black shirt.

"Really? Oh thank you so much Kim, I will never forget your favour in my life. Oh thank you oh thank you. Praise the lord for sending children like you to save us poor kids. Thank you, amen".

With that I quickly rushed outside with him confused as hell. 

By the way, my mum is an excellent cook. She was a chef when she was single and had multiple degrees and awards from shows. But oh well the stupid, sad story worked on Kim. That's  all that matters.

It was getting darker, but I still made it to the cottage behind the mansion. I knocked it once and I knocked it twice before my mum opened it.

She looked restless.

"Mum are you ok?" I quickly embraced her in a hug.

"Oh sweety, I'm fine. How have you been?"

She parted away from me and observed me in shock.

"W-what are you wearing??" Of course my outfit would leave anyone in a freakin coma.

Should have covered myself up.

"It's uniform".

Her eyes widened.

"T-this? Oh lord what is he trying to imply. This is concerning me. D-did he do anything to you sweety?"

Yeah about that hah hah, he may have tried to strip me naked but than he stopped which was a relief.

"Uh..nothing. He didn't do anything to me. I'm fine".

She watched me with concern. I mean what else am I supposed to tell her? I don't want her to worry about me and wear herself out now do I.

She took me inside as I viewed the place.

It's not what they had lived in, it's not their type, this is not supposed to be their life. I hope they can manage for a bit longer before I speak with my boss and can afford a house for ourselves.

I sat at the worn out couch and looked at her as she went to get me something to eat.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"Oh he went to Jimin's place and will be back soon". She smiled weakly as she placed the cookies and hot drink on the little table in front of me.

I grabbed her arm softly and made her sit next to me before lying my head on her shoulder.

"I love you mum".

Even though I can't see it, I can still feel her smiling.

"I love you too sweety", she kissed my head before I placed my head on her lap for comfort and than it all went black.

Sleep consumed me.


A-ah what happened?

The heaviness lifted off my eyes as I opened them to see a black fabric in front of me. Wait! It's moving. What's that?!! It's slithering!

Lifting my head up I saw my boss's face. He was carrying me! My face was against his chest and his hands hooked around my knees.

Why is he carrying me- "ahhh!!"

I was thrown on a bouncy surface. It's the bed. His bed, which is in my parents bedroom.

"That hurt".
I touched my head that hit the headboard while facing him. He stood in a formal black shirt and pants. Hands tucked in his pockets.

"Glad you're awake. Now time for punishments."

He looked mad. Very, very mad.

"What did I even do?"
I asked, frowning as he proceeded further.

This can't be good.

To be continued...

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