The girls huddled up.

"We double dare you..." They started, smirks growing wide on their faces. "To kiss someone or become our maid for a week!"

Tenya's face paled. He looked round for support, but, we couldn't do anything for him except pray. With a sigh, he walked up to Ochaco and quickly kissed her cheek before turning away, face bright red. Ochaco's own face started to heat up.

"N-now then. Truth dare, double dare, kiss a guy or torture... Kaminari." Tenya repeated the phrase till Denki said 'stop'. "Torture..."

Denki's face immediately paled. Let's just say, it didn't end well for him. The girls all gave him a huge makeover and completely destroyed his senses. This kept going for awhile, and luckily for me, I only had to sit on Kacchan's lap for 3 rounds (which wasn't that bad, though Shouchan was furious), kiss Ejirou's cheek and hang upside down from stacked up desks for 5 rounds. It was pretty fun. The bell finally rang, signalling it was 2nd period. I grabbed my schedule and checked what I had.

"Oi, Deku! Whacha have now?" Kacchan came up to me and peered over my shoulder. "Music with Present Mic... seems we're together. Just hope that half and half bastard isn't with us."

"Let's get going then. And Shouchan isn't bad. He's just protective." I replied.

I grabbed my bag and headed out with Kacchan by my side.

"Hey, Midoriya!"

I looked back, seeing Ochaco, Tenya and Ejirou running towards us. Kacchan let out a large irritated sigh as I waved them over.

"You in Present Mic's music class as well?" Ejirou asked.

"Yep! Guessing you three are also in his class then." I replied, giving them my usual smile.

"Yep!" Ochaco smiled back, popping the 'p'.

"Let's get going. We don't want to be late." Tenya said.

We headed over to Present Mic's music room and entered.

"WELCOME TO MY CLASS, STUDENTS!" Present Mic screeched.

We covered our ears that were internally bleeding before looking around the room. There was instruments of every kind here. from the largest grand piano to the smallest flute. There was everything!

"Don't just stand there. Come in and find a seat. We'll be starting shortly." Present Mic said.

We all took a seat each and waited as the rest of the class entered. They finally came and sat down as Present Mic started talking.

"Alrighty class. To start off, go to an instrument you can play." He said.

Everyone stood up and wondered around. I stood up, but, didn't move. My eyes fell on a grand piano. I felt my heart rate quicken, breaths coming fast and shallow, eyes slightly widening.

"You okay, Midoriya?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to Tenya who was looking down at me with a worried look.

"I-I'm fine." I chocked out, smiling at him.

"Don't lie nerd," Kacchan said as he walked over to us. "Either sit down and play or leave."

I looked at the ground, fiddling with my fingers.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Present Mic came over.

"Deku here won't play anything. Not sure why though." Kacchan replied.

"What's the matter? You can play, can't ya?" Present Mic shooed the two off as he faced me.

"I-I can, it's just that... I haven't played in awhile... since..." I trailed off, feeling tears prick my eyes.

"Oh. Now I remember. You're Midoriya Izuku, correct?" I nodded. "I see. Well, if you still don't feel comfortable with playing, I could send you to the infirmary or to the principles room while class is in session."

"I-I could try playing again." I said, looking up at him.

"You sure, kid? I don't want you having a panic attack or something."

"I-I'm sure." I smiled.

"Alright then. Go pick an instrument then." Present Mic pats my head before I walked off.

I sat at the grand piano and stared down at the keys.

"Now then. Would anyone like to play for us?" Present Mic asked.

A few kids put their hands up and played in turn. We ended up going through the whole class till I was left. I took a deep breath as I placed my hands on the keys, pushing down as I started to play.

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