Chapter 1

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He sat on the window seat of the flight from New York to India. Looking out of the window he could see sunlight peeping through the dark clouds. He felt as if his life was like that. After years, precisely five years, he was going back to his homeland, his house, his family, his love.

For the last five years, there hasn't been a day when he hadn't wished to leave everything and go back. But his work held him back. He had spent years of sweat and blood to make his company reach to its heights. Letting all of it ruin because of his desire to go back home felt futile. He had worked like machine in the last five years but every time, he gets ready to go back, something or other will prop up and he had to stay back.

Now he had enough. He just wants to go back home. He miss his home, his family, above everything and everyone her, his love, his Khushi. Khushi. The girl whose mere name raised his heartbeats. It has been five years he last saw her, talked to her, touched her, felt her, held her in his arms.

He knew when he left, things weren't so good between them. There were lot of things going on between them. They were fighting, there was misunderstandings and he couldn't even say her a good bye before leaving as he had to urgently leave for New York due to a mishap happened in his factory in New York.

And in the past five years he doesn't know why and how, an unknown distance had come in between them. They haven't talked to each other not even for once. It was not like he didn't want to talk to her or never tried to talk to her. In fact everyday he called his family and every time he had asked for her. But the answer was same from his family all the time either she was not at home or she was busy.

But now he had enough. He wanted to see her, talk to her, hold her in his arms, love her. He wanted to erase all the misunderstandings and distance that had come in between them and make everything fine. He wanted his happily ever after with her now.

It's enough of everything now. From the time they had met at his fashion show 7 years back, they had come a long way. Their life was always filled misunderstandings, problems, fights everything. Now he had enough. All these fights, hatred, pain, distance, everything should end. He wanted them to live their life happily.

Before seven years, if anybody would have told him that one day a girl will enter his life and he would fall in love and get married to her and would want a happy family with her and a couple of kids, then he would have definitely admitted that person in a mental hospital. But then she happened. Khushi. She entered his life as a tornado by gatecrashing his fashion show and in that process breaking the walls he had successfully built around his heart.

And after that what happened was history. Him locking her in Sheesh Mahal, her sister's marriage breaking, their second meeting, him releasing their video, her shifting to Delhi, them again meeting in his office, their office fights, her coming to his house for training his then girlfriend Lavanya, their moments, him falling in love with her, him misunderstanding her, their contract marriage, Shyam kidnapping him, she saving him, them kicking Shyam out, his sister's miscarriage, their second wedding, them bringing Shyam's truth in front of his sister and finally getting rid of him.

After that everything was falling in place. They were happy in their married life. Their life was pure bliss. But then those two people entered their life. Somehow everything started falling apart again. He still doesn't know what went wrong.

Everything was fine initially. Khushi met Arav and eventually Sheetal. On knowing that they were having difficulty in finding accommodation, she invited them home. Though he felt a bit uncomfortable having them at home initially, he slowly started warming up to them. But then things started falling apart. 

Maybe it was what he feared. It was not like he hated Sheetal or Arav. But his history with Sheetal didn't gave him a good opinion about their presence in his house. Sheetal was a good friend of his during his college time or that was what he thought about her. She was in the same friend circle as his and both of them shared a few likes and dislikes in common. Eventually when everyone in his group started becoming a pair, he also was paired up with Sheetal as all thought that they would make a good couple.

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