A nuisance

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So many things I am waiting for,

But nothing good ever happens anymore.

Why does my heart move in fear and not by faith?

Why do I always end up in circumstances that I hate?


It's so hard for me to take anything easy.

I do everything fast and now I'm dizzy.

My life keeps getting harder each day.

While other people are having  fun, needless to say.


My daily worries rob me of life's little joys.

I wish I were just a kid again, engrossed over toys

Then my faith would be brand new, untouched and untainted

But if it was genuine, why is it now jaded?


Oh God, my fears and failures are towering over me.

I'm like a boat, sinking in the stormy sea.

But you're inside too, please grant me some assurance

That you'll never see rescuing me as a nuisance.


If simply by words, you calmed the raging sea,

Then how easy it is when applied to me!

So please hold me close and keep me still.

Your very presence is what I want to feel.


Copyright Star Ashley Cruz

September 22, 2018

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