Drunk in sin

9 2 3

I want to stop hurting you,

But the opposite is what I do.

My faith and actions are contradicting,

Inside my head, a lot is happening.


Other people are hurt by me,

I'm so evil because it made me happy.

Just to release all my wrath,

I keep going down the wrong path.


It bothers me that I keep doing wrong,

And always wanting to be strong.

Power and wealth are the desires of my heart,

And now I'm afraid we're drifting apart.


What exactly have I ever accomplished

From living in fear and anger that's never finished?

I'm tired of being always sad and angry,

But my worries are always taking over me.


I want to honor and obey you fully,

But my faith needs to be stronger deeply

Or else I'll end up doing the same  things over and over,

Drunk in sin and will never be sober.


Copyright Star Ashley Cruz

August 18, 2018

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