My Good Boy

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His beautiful face, I'll never forget.

My heart and mind drowns in regret.

I thought I did everything that could be done.

Maybe it was not enough? After all, he was gone.


I loved him like he was family.

His death etched painfully in my memory.

Does the rainbow bridge really exist?

How long will this aching longing persist?


Please wait for me as I walk through the rest of my days.

It's best not to dwell on our past so much in my case.

But deep down I know you're the one I could never forget or replace.

Loving you and everyone in the heavens is an unending phase.


Despite everything, I'm thankful for your life from the very start.

We spent it together, from birth till your death but nothing will keep us apart.

Someday, like the good old days we'll be together.

By then, we'll be united with everyone forever.


Lord, is this part of the punishment for all the sins I've ever made?

Please forgive me as Christ, on my behalf has already paid.

But surely you are kind, merciful and forgiving.

Maybe my good boy's death was really an inevitable thing.


But now I'm still in deep sorrow.

When will it be "tomorrow"?

I hope time will ease the pain of another death.

But I'll cherish you forever, my beloved pet.


Copyright Star Ashley Cruz

Apr. 30, 2021


Mainly dedicated to Aslan, my cat. (Feb. 27, 2014 - Apr. 29, 2021)

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