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A/N~ ten chapters to go, including this one! Almost at the end guysss!

"Is it really true, mother?" Esther was burning some sage when Finn walked into the room this time.
"Is what really true?"
"Silvia- did you really try to kill her and her friends?"
"Her friends." Esther scoffed.
"Did you try to kill Silvie?"
"It was an accident." Esther said. "If you want to truly know what happened that night, you should shut the door. Sit down."
"Just do as I say." Esther said and Finn complied. "When I saw Silvia, a year after Henrik's death, I was happy to see her. My youngest child. I loved her so much, so when she told me about these friends of hers and their cult, I just wanted to protect her. I did my research- and I found out they'd been around for centuries."
"Immortal?" He asked and Esther hesitated, remembering Kaia and her threat.
"No, but they weren't exactly humans. They brainwashed her into believing that she was one of them. I tried to bring her home, turn her too, but she was disgusted at the idea of turning. She left angry that day. I saw her the next day and I apologised, and she forgave me. I still didn't trust those friends of hers. I bided my time, linked them all, aside from Silvia- I thought she might come back to her family if she didn't have anyone else but she found out my plan. She knew what I planned on doing and she jumped in front of my spell. I thought I'd killed her- I was sure I had but her friends took her body. I didn't know she was alive until she came back to Mystic Falls." Esther took a deep breath. "It was wrong, I was wrong. I was prepared to sacrifice innocents to have my daughter back, but all I did was almost kill her."
"Mother this spell- the one to link us all, and kill us-"
"You aren't having second thoughts are you?"
"Silvia doesn't deserve to die."
"I will spare her. I will unlink her and her fiancé from Niklaus. They've done good in this world. The amount of people they've saved."
"Matt says he knows vampires who haven't killed."
"Sooner or later they will. His vampires are merely school students turned too young. They haven't had a chance."
"Right." Finn nodded. "What was that woman, Kaia, in here for?"
"She's rather fond of Silvia. She threatened me."
"Because she knows what you did and tried to do?"
"You're siding with her?"
"I'm not siding. But I understand. She obviously cares for Silvia and you were in the wrong. What you did to Silvia must have broken her trust for good. I'm glad there's someone she can turn to." Finn said.
"Don't be taken in by Kaia's beauty, Finn. Think with your head."
"I'm just saying, maybe you should unlink Kaia from whichever sire line she's part of. Surely Silvie will need her."
"Bring me the Gilbert girl." Esther ignored his request.
"You're not thinking properly, Finn. Now don't make me ask you again. Bring me-"
"The Gilbert girl."

"Kaia." Siobhan asked. "Why were you upstairs?"
"I thought I should have a little chat with Esther."
"What kind of chat?" She was suspicious.
"Well, now, that's for me to know and you to find out."
"What are we, twelve?"
"The phrase didn't exist when either of us was twelve."
"It's okay Siobhan." Matteo wrapped his arms around her waist resting his chin on her head.
"Kaia won't answer if she doesn't want to, and look at her. She obviously doesn't want to."
"Thank you, Matt." Kaia said.
"So come on. Let's get a drink and mingle a little more. Besides I think you already know what kind of chat they had." Matteo said. "Hey, look. Elena's going up to Esther now."
"So now we know for sure Esther's definitely up to no good."
"What do you think she's up to?"
"Hmm, maybe the extinction of an entire species. Oh wait-" Siobhan faked a surprised tone. "She's already tried that."
"Well, it's not as if she's good at being original."
"You're right. I do need a drink." She walked off with Matteo close behind.
"You guys lasted longer than I thought you would." Olly smirked.
"What do you mean?" The bartender set two glasses down in front of Matteo and Siobhan.
"I thought you'd need a drink much sooner."
"Where's Jessamine?"
"Trying her luck with that guy." Olly nodded over to a random guy.
"And you're here because?" Siobhan trailed off.
"I was in the mood for a drink. That a crime now?"
"No, I just thought you'd be out there flirting."
"The night is young, my friend, the night is still young." Olly took a gulp of his drink before walking off.
"So who do you think he'll end up with?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if he went off with Bekah." She shrugged. Esther stood with a champagne glass in her hand.

"Good Evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass." Finn started walking over to Siobhan and Matteo. "It provides me with no greater joy then to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!"
"Cheers!" Everyone echoed.
"Here you go." Finn gave Matteo and Siobhan a champagne glass before drinking from his own.
"No thank you. I'm not drinking to her toast."
"It's a glass."
"If I drink that champagne, it's like I'm accepting her toast, and accepting her and I am not accepting her as my family." Finn looked over at Matteo in confusion.
"This is a peaceful protest. It's much better than making a scene. You don't want her making a scene." Siobhan smacked his chest before turning away from him. Finn offered Matteo a glass of champagne. Matteo denied it.
"Oh come now, you two. It's only a glass."
"I am not drinking to her toast." She repeated, adamantly. Finn looked over to Matteo.
"No thank you."

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