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While Siobhan had gone to see Rebekah, Matteo had gone to look for his brother. He didn't have to look very far and found him in his room.
"Hey, Stef."
"Oh. It's you."
"How are you?"
"Well your hybrid dick of a friend has me doing anything he wants, so I'm just peachy. What about you?"
"My hybrid dick of a friend just compelled my brother to follow his orders so I'm pretty pissed. Remind me not to get my neck snapped so I can beat the shit out of him."
"Right. Because when it comes down to two humans or your brother, you won't choose."
"I chose. I chose all of you."
"What are you doing here?"
"Well, my little brother is miserable because he has no free will. So I'm trying to help him out."
"You want to get rid of your compulsion? I might know someone who can help you out." Matteo was not talking about himself. He was aware of a spell that could wipe compulsion away. And he was knew someone who could help him out.
"She's a very powerful witch. But, to do that, there are some terms."
"What do I have to do?"
"This friend of mine. There's a reason not many know about her. So you have to act as though you're still compelled. Put on a show. For everyone. Including everyone in Mystic Falls. Including Damon. As much as I'd love to tell him, I'd rather keep it need to know."
"So in order to stop being Klaus's bitch, I have to act as though I'm still is bitch. But also keep it quiet. Okay."
"You have to be ready for pain. A lot of unimaginable pain. Because she will literally be going into your head and wiping away Klaus's influence."
"I just don't want to be under his thumb. I'm ready."
"And turn your humanity back on."
"That's my condition."
"No. I won't be able to pretend as though I'm still compelled if I have my humanity back on."
"Yes you can."
"No I can't. Please, Matt. Don't do that to me. I won't be able to do it."
"It's already on isn't it?" Stefan just shrugged. "Before you turn it off, tell me why you wouldn't want it on?"
"Elena's in love with Damon now. I can see the look she gives him. She may care for me, but now she cares for him too. And it kind of hurts, knowing that she's going to end up choosing my brother. She already sees me as a monster."
"Have you seen the girl? Whatever she may feel for Damon, she feels much more for you. She hasn't given up on you, man. She's still fighting for you. Don't give up on her."
"Until Klaus is out of our lives, I can't be who she wants me to be. I have to be who she needs me to be. I love you, Matteo." Stefan told him and flicked his humanity switch off. "And whatever, so it's a deal now."
"Yes. There's one more thing I won't mention until we get to her place."
"Who is this witch?"
"She's a young girl I've known since she was seven."
"And she's how old now?"
"Don't worry. You better turn on your humanity for my wedding." Matteo said fiercely and Stefan just shrugged, saying nothing.
"When do we go this witch of yours?"
"Let me set something up with her first. I'll call her up. In the meantime, no doing evil and definitely no killing. Go for a walk or something. Think peaceful thoughts." Matteo was interrupted by Damon screaming. He frowned.
"Maybe you should tell Damon that instead." Stefan smirked as he sped down to Damon. Matteo followed, though slower.
"Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it." Damon was gasping.
"I didn't do this." Stefan said.
"Quit screwing around!" Damon all but growled.
"I didn't! Ask Matt, I was stuck upstairs with him scolding me."
"He's not lying, we were having a chat upstairs, with a 'killing is wrong' here and there." Matteo shrugged, moving to try untie his brother. Stefan picked up one of the chains.
"Still, it's pretty messed up though, isn't it?"
"Yep," Damon replied. As Matteo carried on untying him, Stefan pulled the poker out of his chest. Damon yelled in pain once more. Stefan started to help Matteo untie him before giving up and leaving. "Not to worry, go right ahead and leave."
"You're acting like you're alone, D. Stefan's humanity is off, don't expect anything out of him." Matteo continued working on the chains and the curtains started moving, opening. Damon's flesh started burning. Matteo pulled the chair out of the sunlight, before scanning the floor for his brothers ring. He quickly found it and picked it up, putting it on his finger. He looked around for a culprit and saw a guy standing at the window. Matteo narrowed his eyes at said man.
"You can see me?" The man asked surprised. Damon couldn't see him, which actually made torturing him twice as much fun. Matteo didn't say anything. He just quickly untied his brother and helped him up.
"Thanks, Matt."
"Of course. Who'd you piss off?"
"This was some sort of ghost juju. Like Vicki yesterday."
"Vicki. Damon, what happened yesterday?"
"Well we had a plan to lock up Stefan and get him to turn his humanity back on-"
"And by get him to, you mean torture him to?"
"Tomayto, tomahto." Damon rolls his eyes, stretching. "They got him in the car and Elena was inside then the doors locked and there was a fire and it turns out the other Matt had summoned his sister who was hell bent on killing Elena. But then he fixed his mistake and Bonnie sent her away and Stefan saved Elena and vice versa."
"So which ghost do you think did this to you? Who'd you possibly piss off this bad?"
"Wild guess, it was Mason Lockwood."
"As in Tyler Lockwood."
"Tyler's uncle."
"I'm guessing he's a werewolf too?"
"Damon- you know what. Never mind. Let's just go to Bonnie and see if she knows about this." Damon nodded. Matteo stared at the Mason guy. He couldn't risk him properly solidifying and telling everyone Matt could see him. Matt walked straight towards him and then through him, towards the windows and properly opening the curtains and the windows. "You might wanna take a shower first, D. You look worse than crap."

A life in the shadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora