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The next morning, both Matteo and Siobhan woke up early. They both left from the window, not wanting to encounter questions. They flew to the witch house, settling down a few feet away. They walked inside, and checked to see if anyone was inside and sensed Bonnie.
"Morning, Bonnie." Siobhan called.
"How'd you know I was here?" She got out from behind a large object.
"Call it a sixth sense." Siobhan shrugged.
"Sorry, I didn't know anyone would be here."
"No need to apologise. It's not like we own the place." Matteo laughed.
"I should get to school. Are you guys okay here or do you need anything?"
"Oh, we're fine. It's just nice and quiet here." He explained.
"Okay." She waved before walking out. Once she left Matteo turned to Siobhan and they sat on the floor.
"So I think I can wipe away compulsion. It happened yesterday. The two humans- they were compelled by Klaus. I could see it on them, and I reached out and it was like I just rubbed it away."
"Haven't heard of banshees with that power."
"They don't."
"Interesting. So maybe it's a Fae thing?"
"I don't think so. Kaia can't do it, can she? Not that she's mentioned."
"But I'm not exactly something known. Emily said I would be more powerful now."
"Ask her."
"Mmhm." Matteo concentrated and Siobhan laughed at him. He looked at her. "What?"
"You look constipated." She grinned and he stopping.
"I don't know how to do this!"
"How did you do it last time?"
"I don't know. It just happened. She just popped up."
"Maybe you need to relax." Siobhan crawled over to behind him and sat on her knees. She started to gently massage his shoulders.
"That feels really nice." He said closing his eyes.
"Matteo!" She scolded.
"Fine. Okay, um. Emily?" He called and he thought of the witch he called a friend. She was always so kind to him.
"Hello Matteo." She appeared.
"It worked." He told Siobhan who settled next to him again.
"You need answers." Emily stated and he nodded. He held onto Siobhan's hand like Emily had instructed him the last time and thought about pulling up the veil, bringing her through.
"Hi." She greeted.
"Hello." Emily nodded. "Nobody knows the extent of your power, Matteo. You may find yourself learning about more abilities, but until they manifest we have no way of knowing what they are. There has never been another like you. You're unique."
"How do you think you finally got through to your elders? They don't want to anger you. They'd rather you be by their side."
"They should know I'd never betray them."
"The risk is too great."
"Thank you, Emily."
"Of course. Anything else?"
"You mentioned before, if I tried I could see those who've passed on."
"Could you teach me? To bring Siobhan in too?"
"Is there anyone in particular you'd like to see?"
"Yes." Matteo took a deep breath. "I want to see Henrik Mikaelson."
"Matty?" Siobhan turned to him in confusion.
"I think, now more than ever, you need him." He told her.
"Close your eyes." Emily told him and he did. "Imagine right now you're peeking under a veil that separates the human world and the other side. Behind it is a curtain you can't peek through. You got that?"
"What colour is the curtain?"
"Dark brown."
"Good. Personalise it. Now try to lift it up. Try to get through. Imagine Siobhan standing right next to you and you're both going through."
"It's heavy." Matteo grunted.
"That's good. That means it's working. Pull it up with all your strength." He nodded and concentrated again. Soon he was on the other side, Siobhan right next to him, but Emily was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Emily?" He asked and Siobhan looked around. She shrugged and Matteo pulled her ahead. There was a figure up ahead.
"Henrik." She said before running ahead. Matteo followed her.
"Rikki!" She said gripping him tight. He looked fourteen still. She gave him a long hug. He unwrapped himself from her and looked at her, before recognition came across his face.
"Silver?" He asked before hugging her again. "But, you're- how? When?"
"I'm not dead. Well technically I was, and I am, but I'm alive in the real world."
"I missed you! When you disappeared, I didn't know what happened. It's been so lonely without you."
"Some hundred and fifty years ago. You don't remember?"
"I was here? I woke up around that time with no memory since 1011."
"Oh, Henrik. I'm so sorry."
"Who's he?" He gestured to Matteo who was standing a foot away to give them privacy.
"That's Matteo. He's my fiancé. He's also the reason that I can see you again." She explained and Henrik raised a brow staring at him. "I love him Rikki."
"How are you here?"
"Matty has these new powers, including seeing the dead."
"Impressive. Thank you, for bringing my sister to me."
"Of course. I'll just be over there, while you guys talk. I'm sure there's a lot you need to catch up on." Matteo kissed Siobhan's cheek and nodded at his dead future brother in law. He moved away to the side and looked around. He wondered if his father was here. Though he was kind of misguided, he wasn't bad or evil. Not really. A sort of swirly portal appeared in front of him. But he ignored it. He didn't want to leave Siobhan. Not when he didn't know if he'd find her again. This place was alien to him. The more he stood, the closer the portal inched forwards. It was as if it was inviting him. Matteo took a large step backwards away from the portal. He wasn't risking anything.

A life in the shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now