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The rest of summer passed quite quickly. Damon had been tracking Stefan, of course, but whenever he and Matteo talked to Stefan over the phone all that went out of the window. They mostly reminisced. Matteo managed to successfully let Stefan know about his engagement to Siobhan without Klaus overhearing.
It was the day of Elena's birthday. Matteo went up to the elders for the day, he had questions to ask. He also knew it would be kind of awkward for him to be at a party full of teenagers. It didn't take long really to get to the place he'd called home for a century and a half. To get there all he had to do was fly up. Fae had remarkable speed in the air. Within seconds Matteo was there. There wasn't an official name for the valley, because no one ever talked about it on Earth. All those who knew about it lived there, and it wasn't like it came up. They just called it home. It wasn't exactly located on Earth. You'd have to fly into the sky at a speed beyond the capability of almost everything else and they'd be transported to the valley. It was a beautiful place. With flowers you'd never believe unless you'd seen it for yourself.
"Matteo." Kaia said, walking over to him, surprised he wasn't in Mystic Falls.
"We thought you would be spending your vacation on Earth?"
"I am. I've come to appeal to the elders."
"You got what you wanted. You get to see your brothers."
"My pledge was for everyone to be able to see their family. Not just me."
"What makes you sure they'll say yes this time?"
"Nothing. But that's never going to stop me. I'm going to keep appealing. I won't forget everyone else who doesn't get to see their family."
"You are a pain." She sighed, before nudging him ahead. "I'll put in your request. Go, get presentable, you'll have your appeal later this afternoon."
"Thank you, Kaia." He smiled before running ahead. There was an air of purity and serenity here. The grass beneath his feet felt cool and kind of scratchy. It was a feeling he welcomed. He ran to his apartment, opening the door. He headed straight to his bedroom, getting his outfit ready. The traditional Fae clothes consisted of a wreath headband sort of crown and a cloth you'd wrap around your body- sort of like a tunic. The rest of the day he spent in the library updating the banshee lore books with information that he seemed to know. It was as if he'd learnt the stuff already.

"Matteo Salvatore." Elder Willow stated. Matteo stood in the middle of a huge hall, with the six elders in front of him and Kaia behind him. "You've petitioned for yet another appeal?"
"Yes." He said.
"There's something strange about you, boy." Elder Glenn boomed.
"I had a curious run in with a banshee husk, a few weeks ago. It transferred the power into me." Matteo replied and the elders started talking amongst each other overlapping.
"Kaia, will you explain the meaning of this?" They turned to his mentor. She stepped forward and he sent an apologetic glance towards her.
"Matteo had a vision, not too long ago. It was of his mission so I sent him back. The banshee creature had held in the power for almost eighteen years so the host would survive her transition into a vampire. Matteo resumed his mission of protecting the original host and came face to face with the banshee. It transferred the power to Matteo, claiming he was a good enough host."
"Impossible!" Elder Lake announced.
"It's the truth, I don't exactly fully understand it, but it happened. And my charge is safe for now." He called. "I know it's unheard of, but it wasn't a bluff. I feel it now. Those about to die, and it's like there's a scream bubbling away, except I can suppress it. Witches helped me- the dead ancestors in Mystic Falls. They wanted to help me because we've helped their children and their children's children."
"We help them because it's our duty. Do not mistake them for friends."
"There are plenty of witches I call friends. And this stupid one sided battle has got to stop. They aren't even aware of us. Not all of them are bad."
"It was your fiancée they cursed-" Elder Snow countered.
"She cursed. One lone, power hungry witch cursed Siobhan. Not all of them. I have appealed for the chance to see my brothers grow, and I finally got it. Maybe it's time things changed a little. All this prejudice against witches, the rules to keep us away from family? That's not right. We're better than this. We shouldn't hate a whole species based on the actions of one. We shouldn't have to forget our human lives because we're afraid. I'm not saying we tell anyone and everyone everything. I understand the need to keep secrets to keep us all safe. But we've survived thousands of years in which our people managed to still be in touch with their human family and keep our secret."
"It's too dangerous."
"Siobhan and I are getting married. The human way. I want to give her the same chance I have, time spent with her family. We'll all come back, because this is our home, but everyone else here deserves the chance to one day say a goodbye to their family. Everyone here deserves the chance to spend another holiday with their family. Most of them have human lives, will die human deaths."
"You wish to give the originals a chance to meet us? To find out about us?"
"Who's to say they'd find out?"
"We've watched them for years, second most powerful creatures in existence. They would not let go, especially not if you get tongue tied. You don't lie, Matteo Salvatore. It may make you honourable but it is also your greatest weakness." Elder Rose croaked.
"If you don't know that I would do anything to keep us safe- if you think that I'd allow others to find out about us, then you truly don't know me."
"You would break your vow?"
"I would do anything for my friends, and for the woman I love. I would do anything so they may see their families and keep us safe. I don't like it, but I would do anything for those I care about. Including everyone here."
"We'll review it. We'll summon you once we have an answer." Elder Snow said. "Dismissed."

A life in the shadowsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant