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"So how comes you had so many people check up on us? I mean, why not limit to two or three?"
"A lot of us are busy often. It's very rare that we all get to see one another. So I sent only those who were available. And I checked on you myself. I just couldn't come see you face to face. But I still kept up with you. I remember that time that you tried for an acting career."
"How much of my life did you stalk, exactly?"
"Oh please. I didn't stalk you, I checked up on you." Matteo rolled his ball and managed to knock down all the pins in one go. "Ha! Strike! And I win!"
"I'll beat you the next time. I was unprepared. I've never played this before."
"Sure, that's the reason." Matteo shook his head before flagging down a young girl. "Lacey, would you mind taking a picture of us. I want to savour Damon's look of defeat."
"Oh no. No pictures." He took a step back.
"Get over here." Matteo pulled him back. "I'll show you the pictures I already have of you."
"I'm talking about our childhood pictures. There are quite a few. Might even show some of them to Elena."
"Fine. But only one picture." Damon relented. "And you hand over those pictures."
"Never." Matteo put an arm around his brother smiling wide as Lacey took the picture. "Thanks."
"Your welcome. Alright, come to the front. Jax is about to start telling us all how he met Jessie again. We need more material."
"You know, I'd like to hear some stories about Matteo."
"Then you're in for a treat, Hun." Lacey smiled. "Cos we all got a ton."
"No no no, Lace. No. Hey, ya'll are always saying you owe me one."
"Sorry, but not this time. Hey, I thought you wanted your brother to get to know what kind of person you've been for the last century and half."
"You've known me for twenty years, Lacey. You don't know what kind of person I've been."
"I know enough." Lacey grabbed Damon's hand and pulled him to a room where everyone sat. "I met Matteo when I was seven. I was an adopted orphan with powers I couldn't control. The guy saved my life."
"Sounds like him."
"When my adoptive parents first met him, they thought he was a creep. It was hilarious. Maggie had threatened to call the cops on him. Eventually he told them he was a distant relative, and had only just found out about my parents death. He told them, he'd like to teach me about my family history, that it would've been what my parents would have wanted."
"Well, actually I never told them I was family. I let them draw their own conclusion."
"Oh right. Forgot about the whole no-lying thing. Damon, why is he like that?"
"I don't know. He says he went through something that I was too young to remember."
"So, how old did you say you were again?"
"Okay, that's enough." Matteo walked in between them. "He's got a girlfriend. And he's pining after a girl. So, no Lacey. Besides. What happened to Roger?"
"Roger was an ass." She said. "I know you're dying to say it, so get it over with."
"Say what?"
"I told you so." She said. "You told me he was a jerk and no good, and I didn't listen."
"I'm not happy, Lace. Actually, I'm really pissed and Roger and I will be having words later."
"Why wait?" Alan called.
"Yeah, we can all go over and kick his ass!" Sully called from the crowd.
"I was thinking something a little more than a beating." Matteo said. "We don't hurt others, we get even. He hurt Lacey, we-"
"Okay, all of you stop! No going after Rog. Come on, I don't think I've ever seen everyone here at the same time in the same place. Let's just cool down and appreciate this."
"Don't worry, I'll come back soon, with Siobhan."
"Where is she anyways? I swear I've never seen two people so joined at the hip. They're worse than Jax and Jessie, and the two of 'em are married." Ida called from the crowd. "Heya Salvatores!"
"Ida? Okay seriously how many people did you send after me."
"A few. There's still Kevin, Magda and Anna who are busy at the moment."
"Okay, I give up. I give up."
"Damon, when I first met your brother, he was- actually he was trying to run away. It was bizarre. No one usually wants to leave."
"When I first met him, it was my first time shifting. I think I almost bit him or something." A guy called from the crowd.
"You're a werewolf? So wait, this is what? Supernatural hang out spot?"
"More or less." Jessie chuckled. "It was your brother who started it, handed it to Jax and I."
"I'd like to make a toast. Matt's saved us all at least once. So those of us he asked to keep an eye out for you, Damon, were only too happy to. It helped we liked you, as well." Kelli smiled. "So, to the Salvatore brothers, who both changed our lives for the better."
"I'll drink to that." Alan said after a moment of silence. There were a few grunts of agreement as everyone started to clink their cups.
"Thanks, guys. You've been a real honour to get to know." Matteo nodded at them.
"I don't usually do this whole sentimentality-friendship-peace-hug thing, but, I gotta say, I'm glad I got to know you guys, even those I only met today."

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