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By the time Olly and Matteo got home, they could feel something was wrong. They walked in to find Siobhan and Jessamine comforting Rebekah in the library. Siobhan, upon noticing them gestured for them to get out of the room. Matteo nodded and the boys crept out and headed outside.
"What do you think happened?"
"I don't know, but it seemed pretty major. Maybe we should let the girls be for tonight?"
"Race you?" Olly grinned.
"Sure. Seventy miles south?" Matteo smiled back and Olly nodded.
"One." Olly started the countdown.
"Two." Matteo counted.
"Three!" They both lifted off into the air gently, before zooming ahead, as fast as they could. Matteo won, by a few seconds, and Olly was close behind.

Later that night, Olly and Matteo decided to go back home. Siobhan and Jessamine had taken Rebekah to bed, and the three of them decided they'd sleep together. Like a sleepover in one room. Matteo had been kicked out of his own room for said sleepover, so he took over another room. The next day, when he woke up, Rebekah seemed a little brighter, though a sad smile was still painted on her face. She'd been adamant that Matteo and Siobhan go out for the day, claiming she didn't want Siobhan to catch her blues and suggested Olly and Jessamine take them out to make sure they had a productive day. Matteo was a little suspicious but Rebekah kept bombarding him with words that half made sense so he barely had time to think.
"That was very weird, right?" Matteo asked. "It's not just me?"
"Yeah that was weird." Siobhan nodded.
"However weird, she's right. You two need to go out. Have an actual date or whatever." Jessamine said.
"Let me guess, you two are going to be our chaperones?"
"You know, a date really wouldn't be a bad idea."
"Having chaperones is, but a date?"
"Would you guys think of having kids, starting a family?" Olly asked and Siobhan and Matteo looked at each other.
"Not now. I mean, maybe in a while, but not right now."
"Why not?"
"The last time two Faes had a baby together was two thousand years ago, and that baby was unlike anything anyone had ever seen. So what would a one quarter banshee, three quarter fae baby turn out like."
"That is cause for legitimate concern."
"Exactly. Plus, I'm a little selfish. I want Siobhan all to myself for a little while longer, before we even think of expanding." Matteo smiled at his fiancé.
"Okay, I'm so close to barfing, so let's get going."
"Where are we going?"
"I say we all hang out for an hour then go back to the boarding house. Catch Rebekah doing whatever she's doing." Siobhan said. "She was trying too hard to get rid of all of us."
"But, you two do need to go out. You guys have been hanging out with other people since you came to Mystic Falls."
"Not true."
"I mean, sure, we've hung out with family, and friends, but we've been out- just the two of us." Matteo added.
"Fine. So what do we do for the next hour?"
"Show us where you want the house. If I'm going to sketch and design your wedding venue, I'm going to need to see what I'm dealing with. The area, et cetera." Jessamine said, and Matteo nodded.
"Copy that, let's go." He said and he and Siobhan led the way.

Damon, Stefan, Rebekah and Elena are standing in front of Mikael at the boarding house. Damon suddenly cocks his head to the side, hearing something. He rushes outside the house where he sees Matteo and Siobhan walking over.
"I thought you guys were out for the day." He said, surprised.
"We were feeling tired." Siobhan said in a monotonous tone.
"And you guys are up to something." Matteo added. He and Siobhan tried to walk into the house, but Damon blocked them.
"You can't go in there."
"Why not?"
"Because... we're trying to organise a party for you two. And you can't see it." Damon lied.
"I call bullshit." Matteo smiled innocently.
"Something's wrong." Siobhan frowned. She closed her eyes before snapping them open and yelling at Damon. "Are you kidding me?! You brought Mikael here?"
"Mikael?" Matteo asked "Your dad?"
"He's in there Matty." Siobhan took a step back and Mikael sped out to them.
"Silvia." He said. "It's really you?"
"My name is Siobhan." She spat.
"My darling-" He started but she cut him off.
"Damon, why the bloody hell is he here?"
"Um, since you're getting married, we thought you might want to meet her father and well, surprise!" He threw his hands in the air.
"Bull." Matteo rolled his eyes. "You aren't planning to kill Klaus, are you? Because that really didn't go well the last time."
"We're not trying to kill Klaus. It's a family-ish gathering of the bride and groom." Stefan and Rebekah sped out to the driveway as Damon spoke.
"He is not my family."
"Silv-" Mikael started.
"My name is Siobhan! And you have absolutely no right to call yourself a father, especially not mine. So why don't you just do everyone a favour and get lost?" Siobhan turned around and left. Matteo looked at his siblings and Rebekah.
"Don't do it, D. Don't do anything wrong, Damon. Please."
"I promise I won't." Matteo just turned away with a sigh, and shook his head, before following Siobhan. He knew Damon would try to kill Klaus, and Matteo would stop him once he'd comforted Siobhan. After all, Klaus was a few hours away, and there'd be time to save his behind later.

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