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"Last night was amazing." Siobhan sighed peacefully as she woke up to Matteo stroking her hair.
"I know. It was different."
"Maybe it was the whole no more secrets."
"Well, maybe now you know how much I really, truly love you." Matteo told her.
"Hmm, I might need a reminder." She giggled and Matteo moved closer to her pressing a kiss to her lips.
"Is that so?" He said, pulling her onto him. She curled her fingers on his head, pressing him against her. He grinned as their lips met again, both passionate and hungry for one another. "If we get started I won't be able to stop." He warned.
"So don't stop. I'm not complaining."
"Yes, but we have things to do. The both of us."
"Fine, I'll take a rain check."
"Uh uh." He shook his head. The term rain check had a different meaning for them. They usually literally made it rain, not an ideal situation since he planned on being in the sky. "I guess you'll just have to take me on my word."
"Alright, so what exactly do you promise?"
"I promise to make it back to you." He kissed the side of her chin. "I promise, to remind you that I love you." He kissed just under her chin. "And I promise to be by your side whenever you need or want me."
"Careful, there. Those are heavy promises." She laughed, her tone light, though she meant every word.
"Well I mean them. I truly can't say when my feelings for you started to grow, or when I really truly fell in love with you, because it feels like I've known you forever. And in a way I have. My entire immortal life, I've had you. And nothing is going to change that. Certainly not Klaus, okay?"
"I love you." She smiled, pulling him in for on last kiss, before rolling over and moving off him.
"Love you too, darling."
"Okay get changed now." She demanded, "otherwise we are never getting out of this bed."
"Yes, my love." He chuckled, reluctantly getting up. "Just one question?"
"So is the whole you being a Mikaelson a secret still?"
"You can tell your brother but only if you really can't find something else to say. I mean, I really just wanted to tell you before I told anyone else, but I won't mind that much."

"Hey Damon!" Siobhan called, enacting her plan in distracting him.
"Would you like me to teach you to fight?"
"Teach me?"
"If you want to beat me someday, then you've got to learn to fight like I do. I mean, if you want Elena to see you all big and strong, wouldn't you want her to know you can beat anything that comes your way?"
"You're manipulating me." He stated.
"Is it working?"
"Why do you want to teach me so bad?"
"Because I'm bored and because you can take my mind off things for the time being."
"Where's Matteo?"
"Long gone by now."
"So you were just distracting me?"
"No, my offer is very real, Damon. And it's there should you want to learn to fight."
"What would my brother think?"
"Your brother?"
"I take it he's not too thrilled with the idea of me getting hot and sweaty with his girlfriend." Damon wiggled his brows.
"Matteo doesn't mind me teaching his baby brother to fight."
"Ouch. You do realise, we're the same age."
"Sorry, dude. I'm into older men."
"What's your history with Klaus?"
"We have time."
"Do you want me to teach you or not?"
"I think I'll survive."
"Fine. I'm going to go kidnap Elena and Caroline for the day." Siobhan walked out of the door. Damon rushed upstairs to try find his brother, but Siobhan was right. He was long gone.

"Look, sheriff." Matteo said as they trudged to the old witch house for maximum privacy. "We're here. Okay, so you cannot repeat a word I'm about to tell you."
"Why not?"
"You don't want to know. Tell me about Caroline."
"When she was born, did anything strange happen?"
"No, not- I mean, what do you mean by strange?"
"Lights turning on and off around her?"
"Yeah, but that was a hospital malfunction."
"Were you able to grow plants around her?"
"No. I don't know, they wilted, but what does that prove?"
"Did she hear voices? Whispers?"
"When she was three- what are you trying to say?"
"Nothing. I need you to drink this." He gave the sheriff a vial of blue liquid.
"What does it do?"
"You'll forget about this conversation."
"No, if my daughter's in trouble, I want to remember so I can help her."
"You can't. If you remember, you'll just be dooming her. Sheriff, Damon will pester you, maybe even compel you until he finds out what we talked about. And then he'll dig until he finds out everything. And then this whole town will die out because of it. I've done this sort of thing countless times. It's my duty. I help people who need it. I'm there and I save them. But I can't do all that- I can't save her from this creature, if you are in my way. Sheriff, I'm begging you to trust me. I will save your daughter. No matter what. But if you don't let me help her, I'm afraid she'll be doomed to a fate worse than death." There must have been something in his eyes because she nodded.
"For Caroline." She said before downing it. Matteo looked on her keenly, watching for her energy. He saw as blue tendrils swirled about her, wrapping itself around her head before fading. "What's going on?"
"I was asking you some questions. Are you okay?"
"Where are we?"
"It's a cabin in the woods." Matteo said leading her out. He turned backwards and quietly whispered, "please keep my secret Emily."
"Why am I here with you?"
"Come on, let's get you home." Matteo gently nudged her towards civilisation.

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