I miss them a lot

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Luka was at home, just doing homework until he heard a knock at the door. So he gets up and opens the door.
"Hey babe." A brown, Italian girl comes through the door and kisses Luka.
"Hey. What you doing here?"
"Well I haven't seen you in months."
"You have been away in Italy for 4 months."
"Well I'm back now and I wanted to see you." The girl kisses Luka again and goes in his room, Luka following behind her.

Marinette and Chat was sitting down, with her parents. He was compelling them to let her go and she will be fine. Marinette was feeling really guilty for doing this, but it was for her parent's safety.
"You ready?" Marinette stopped staring into space.
"Umm yeah, just let me get my stuff." Marinette gets he bag, full of clothes and goes back downstairs. Her parents cuddled her goodbye. And then Marinette goes with Chat. He uses is vampire speed to go back to his house.
"Here we are, home sweet home." Marinette kept looking at the room where Chat raped her. She hated being here, but to keep her safe and her family and friends, she must be here.
"You okay, princess."
"Umm...yeah I'm fine." Chat leads her to her room she was staying before.
"I'll leave you to unpack. If you need me, I'll be in the other room." The girl nods her head and Chat leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.
Marinette started to unpack. She was trying to hold in her tears but the bluenette wasn't strong enough.

After an hour, Marinette finished unpacking her stuff.
Rumble! Marinette holds her stomach.
"I'm really hungry." She goes out to find the kitchen.
Adrien was sitting in his room, thinking about Marinette.
"Do you think I did the right thing Plagg, by letting her stay here again?"
"You did kid. That's really a sweet thing to do. I know the poor girl won't be able to see her parents, but at least she will be safe and them."
"But Chat Blanc lives here so she isn't really safe."
"Don't you worry about that. Me and Tikki will keep an eye on him."
"Thanks Plagg. You can have double cheese tonight." Plagg's eyes brightened up and smiled. Adrien just giggled. Then he heard a bang in the kitchen. He quicklys goes there and sees Marinette on the floor, with lots of pans around her.
"You okay Mari?" The girl turns around and sees Adrien.
"Oh hey. I'm fine. Just a little bump on the head, that's all." Adrien helps her up.
"What were you doing anyway?"
"Well I am quite hungry and wanted to cook something."
"Oh well okay. You want some help?" Marinette nods her head and started to get the ingredients.
"So what are we making, princess?"
"We are making some pizzas." She started to roll the dough out.
Adrien helped her by grating the cheese.
After they cooked the pizza, they both sat down and ate their pizzas.
"This is so delicious!" Adrien was smiling and eating at the same time.
"How did you learn to make this?"
"Well my parents taught me when I was quite young." Marinette smiled but then she started to cry. Adrien stopped eating.
"What's wrong?"
"I really miss my parents." The guilt came back to Adrien's heart. He knew that what she was doing, was a really big thing, by staying here.
"I know, but it's for their safety and yours to stay here."
"But I really do miss them, Adrien." Marinette gets up from the table and goes back to her room.
Or that's what Adrien thought...

Only my princess (COMPLETED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora