You're not a dream!

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It was after school, Marinette was saying goodbye to luka and her friends before meeting Adrien.
"Hey call me when you get home." Luka said.
"Don't worry i will, love you." The both kiss and marinette goes to find Adrien. He was waiting outside.
"Hey, shall we get going?" Marinette gives little nod. She goes in the car and adrien follows her behind, closing the door. They sat in silent as they were driving to adriens house.
"So umm... what sort of dress should we make?" Said marinette, breaking the silent.
"I don't mind. I'm not the one who's going to be wearing it."
"Umm let's make a prom dress..." Marinette suggested. Adrien agrees with the idea.
When they got to adriens house, his dad was waiting for him.
"Hell son, who is this young girl?"
"She's my partner for this project." His father kept starring at marinette, giving her some cold shivers.
"Okay." His father leaves.
"Sorry about that. Shall we head to my room?" Marinette nods her head and follows Adrien to his room.
It was massive. He had a climbing wall, stairs that leads to lots of cds and a very big bed. Also there was a sofa and a door to the bathroom.
"Whoa. This is incredible!"
"You like it?"
"It's massive." Then marinette looks at adrien.
"Umm shall we start the project?"
"Sure, after I had a shower."
"A shower?"
"It the model in me." He rushes to the bathroom and turns the shower mon.
Then a flash of green lit the room. He climbed out of the window. Adrien goes to the other window and sees marinette,'sitting down on the sofa, one her phone.
"My purr-incess." He slowly creeps through the open window and hides behind the sofa.
"What's taking Adrien so long?" Marinette gets up and knocks on the door.
"Adrien?" There was no answer. Marinette knocks again. Still there wasn't any answer. She just signed and went back to the sofa. Then she heard someone breathing behind her. Marinette slowly turns her head around and saw the person, she thought that wasn't real.
"You're not a dream!!!"
"Why would I be a dream, princess?"
"The...bite...marks... they weren't showing on my neck."
"Oh I have you some of my blood to heal you." Marinette eyes grew wide. She got off the sofa and started to run out of the door however was stopped by him. He pinned her against the wall .
"Please don't hurt me!"
"Princess, you kissed another boy."
"Luka? He's my boyfriend!" Chat gets angry.
"Your MINE!" And he bites her in the neck.
"S....Stop....please...." Then marinette faints, entering the darkness...

Only my princess (COMPLETED) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt