A superhero?

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Marinette wakes up and see she was on Adrien's bed.
"You finally awake." Marinette vision  was still blurry and didn't see who said that.
"Who's there?"
"It's me Adrien." Then she saw him at the end of the bed.
"What happened?"
"You tell me, I came out of the shower and saw you on the floor unconscious."
"I...um..." Then marinette remembers what happened. The vampire bit her!
"I gotta go."
"Woah, you just woke up."
"I'm sorry but I really gotta go." Marinette picks her shoes and school bag and leaves Adrien bedroom. Adrien goes after her.
"Hey what's wrong?"
"Nothing I just got to get out of here."
"What about the project?"
"We work on it tomorrow, I'm not in the mood." Marinette leaves the house and goes home.

Adrien watched her leave and smirked.
"Got you scared, purrincess." He heads back inside to his room.
"Kid you gotta stop this!"
"I can't, her blood is tasty. The best blood I ever had."
"You're scaring the poor girl."
"Why do you care about that human?"
"Coz I do Adrien!" Plagg leaves him, but Adrien just signed and sat down.

Marinette was walking home, it was getting dark and was afraid of the vampire might come back.
"Okay Marinette calm down." She said to herself when she was walking down the high street.
"Omg I'm so sorry sir." It was a old short man, with a little long beard.
"It's okay my dear."
"I'm so clumsy! Here let me help you." Marinette helps the old man up.
"Thank you miss. You are so kind." Marinette gives him a kind smile and walks away.
"The perfect girl." He whispers. Then a small creature came out of his pocket.
"Master are you sure this is the right girl?"
"100%."  The old man follows marinette to her house.
"MUM IM HOME!" Marinette shouted of the top of her lungs.
"Hi sweetie, how was your day?"
"Good, Umm I'm going to my room." But before she could leave, her mum stopped her.
"Darling is that blood on your neck?" Marinette froze.
"Umm it's fake blood! Just for a... Umm... play."
"What kind of play?"
"Umm...a horror one."
"Okay then, well dinner will be ready soon." Marinette nods her head and goes to her room. She sits in front of her desk and saw a little box.
"What the heck is this?" Marinette opens the box and a flash of red light lit the room. She opens her eyes and sees a little creature.
"What are you?"
"I'm tikki, a kawmi."
"A What?"
"A kawmi. I give you special powers."
"Just put these earrings on." Marinette looks inside the box and sees 2 dotted ladybug earrings. She puts them on.
"Okay good. So your power is a lucky charm."
"Lucky charm. What does it do?"
"You have to break down it in order to catch the akuma."
"What's a akuma?"
"An akuma turns people into villains. Once you capture it, they turn back to normal."
"But once you use your power, you only have 5 minutes before you turn back into yourself." 
"So how do I transform?"
"Just say 'spots on'."
"Spots on?" Then marinette transformed. She was wearing a ladybug costume and a mask on her face.
"This is super weird." Marinette goes in her balcony and use her yo-yo.
"Ahhhhhhahahhh." She screamed as she went zoomed into the air.
Then she crashed into someone.
"I'm so sorry didn't mean to." Marinette looks up and fear came all of a sudden...

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