Standing up she got her a few essential things like her grimoires, dark objects, rare herbs and spices, spell bound items and anything she can't find anymore. She did pack a few of her clothes but didn't bring too much for she could just buy when she reached New Orleans.

Bringing her backpack and duffle bag outside her house and placed it in her black and sleek Mercedes Benz, she locked her doors and left her clothes, food, and other things inside the house before heading towards a real estate agency to sell her house and the belonging, inside for her.

When she had finished signing and paying what needs to be done, she thought about her car and decided that she didn't want to take it with her. She wanted to start a new, in a way, and by ridding herself of all that was from this period in her life, was, in her eyes, the best way to start a new.

She went to a car retailer to sell her car and made her way carrying a large sized backpack and a medium duffle bag in hands towards where the sign of the city limits would be. Today for her, was eventful running around the entirety of Eleusis to sell her house and belongings then sold her car, but she wasn't sad, she was happy to be thrust into a life with the Mikaelsons again.

For him though, Elijah was mostly seeing the sights of what Eleusis had to offer and at the same time worrying if Megan would even go with to New Orleans to look for Klaus after all that he has done to drive her away. In Niklaus' words, he stopped talking to her when he met Celeste and she felt distraught about it deciding to leave for a few months but it ended up being two centuries.

So now he was waiting at the city limits hopping beyond hope that she would come and join him, but as the sun began to go lower into the horizon, he was losing hope and faith that she would come. He was so upset by the prospect that he would have to leave for New Orleans alone without her for it would only further remind him of his' greatest mistake.

Elijah, too concentrated in thought, did realize there was the woman who he wanted to see, until she began tapping on the car's window. But when he did, Elijah had a bright smile and went out of the car and taking the bags from her and placing inside the trunk of his car.

It was clear that Elijah was ecstatic to see that she had agreed to go to New Orleans with him and leaving behind a good life she made for herself, though he did think of it as selfish to ask her to give up such a thing she wanted in her life, something she needed, happiness.

What Elijah didn't know was her happiness was him and those 200 years without him was easily one of the worst years of her life. The only thing though that she loved about it was that she did listen to Elijah and expanded upon her love of playing the clavichord then the harpsichord then spinet then finally the piano.

The two finally sat down in the car, Elijah in the driver's seat while Megan was in the passenger's seat. Elijah started the car but did not begin the drive, he rested his' one arm on the hand brake and using it as a pivot to look at the woman who sat beside him.

"What made you decide to come?" he asked, seriousness behind the dark brown coffee pupils and equally furrowed eyebrows on top.

"I came because I wanted a change of scenery" she lied

"Megan, I know we haven't been together in a while but I know you and I know when you are lying to me" he doubted her statement.

"Elijah, I want to finish the goal I had set myself all those centuries ago because as of late, I have only been travelling like a one hit wonder throughout the entirety of Europe and maybe because I ... miss this , miss the family and miss... you" she replied mumbling the last part but Elijah was a vampire, an original at that and he heard every word that came out of her mouth but instead of smiling, he frowned, not to much but just a little bit because he knew that he was the cause that she left but never knew the exact action that made her want to leave in the first place.

 "Well then let's get going shall we" he spoke to lighten the foul mood that was placed upon them.

"Yes let's" she grinned despite the twinge in her heart, an ache she can't heal from, when she was with him she knew she will be fine.

The car soon drove to the airport, where a private jet awaited the two.They couldn't exactly drive to New Orleans from Eleusis.  Elijah had gotten the plane ready only a few hours before he went to the city limit to see if Megan was coming but he did make sure that they would be in safe hands and that there wouldn't be anything that could stop them like having to explain why they were bringing with them a chalice, which in reality is a dark object.

They were escorted by a beautiful lady wearing a flight attendant outfit, she helped  them with their bags and let them settle in to the leather and plush seats. It was a few more minutes before the plane had taken off. The just sat in their sits either on their phone or reading a magazine, there were occasional stolen glances and gazes, but that did not change the fact that they did not talk to each the entire flight.

When they landed they were meet with a well built man who guided them to a black SUV, the man, who was later known as Philip, helped them with their things and was then compelled by Elijah to forgot what he saw.

They left the confines of the airport and was on their way into the city.

"Welcome to New Orleans"Elijah chuckled.

The ride into the city was a bit weird for Megan, she would remember the street ways, where there would be right and left turns but the buildings were all different and she would often think to herself like 'wasn't that a barber shop before' or 'is that where the cinema was now' but she would not voice what she thought.

Just like everywhere else this place too changed some say for the better while she hoped it really was for the better. 

The cobblestone road was somewhat familiar to her as was the location but when she saw the house that was in front, and her heart instantly dropped. She didn't think the house was absolutely breath taking, well it was, but she hated the house.

Not the house really per say, but the memories that was tied to it. It sent shivers down her spine when she remembered those memories, some good and some bad. This is where they took care of Marcel but this was also they house where Celeste died and caused Elijah to become  heart broken which caused her to be heart broken as well and then she fled.

She remembered the memory of the balls that were spent here, the good times where she chatted away with governors and handsome young men. But she could also remember the people she murdered in this house for the sake of Elijah's family.

Elijah went in first with her things in his hands, mentioning that he will be carrying her things to her old room. He left her there to herself in front the large wooden doors, which was a good thing in her eyes, so that he could not see the reluctance she had before she entered through the doors of the house.

"Welcome to New Orleans, indeed" she mumbled to herself.


I know this out of the ordinary for me to write but I just had to tell you guys a funny story that happened as I wrote this chapter. 

So, I was typing that they drove from Eleusis to New Orleans but then I remembered that Eleusis is in Greece and Greece is in Europe and they can't exactly drive from Europe to the states. So that's why there was that throw away line if you know where to find and yeah that's all. 

Enjoy they story guess with lots of love from me.

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